The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots Andrew Kent Anita Lightstone NHS Eyecare Services Team
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots Plan: – Programme outline – Pathway principles – Where are we now? – Roles and responsibilities – What next?
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots Set up by the Department of Health in 2002, with representatives of: – ophthalmologists – optometrists and dispensing opticians – orthoptists – ophthalmic nurses – patient organisations – health,social care & policy organisations The National Eye Care Steering Group
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots The National Eye Care Steering Group Group’s initial remit: To develop proposals for the modernisation of NHS eye care services first priority to develop model pathways for: – cataract – glaucoma – low vision – age related macular degeneration
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots The National Eye Care Steering Group Pathway principles: ä To develop innovative approaches, for example partnerships with the voluntary sector ä To remove barriers to and streamline services ä To provide services where and when they can be easily accessed ä To increase awareness of the importance of eye health ä To make better use of professionals
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots Pathway principles social care third sector GPs opticians optometrists nurses Dept of Health NHS orthoptists ophthalmologists patient
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots
Sites Glaucoma: Peterborough, North Birmingham and East Devon, Waltham Forest Age Related Macular Degeneration: Brighton and Hove, Waltham Forest Low Vision: Gateshead, Sutton, Merton and Wandsworth, Barking and Dagenham and Havering, Waltham Forest
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots Associate low vision sites: Brighton and Hove South Lincolnshire Mid and East Devon Hartlepool Northumberland South Worcestershire Morecambe Bay New Forest
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots Pilot update: Several pilots now in the process of becoming “mainstream” services External evaluation underway and will be completed by the end of the year Sharing of outcomes at “Delivering the Vision, January 2007 and looking to the future
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots Mainstreaming: Local review of service to assess local value/success/need Need for inclusion by PCTs of the service into Local Delivery Plans Review of contractual arrangements and agreement of new contract/handover
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots Evaluation: Both internal (at pilot level) and external evaluation being undertaken External evaluation will cover: Pilot outcomes – did they achieve what they set out to do? How effective was this? Patient and staff views
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots Evaluation External evaluation will cover: Associated issues – e.g. training, governance, sustainability and roll-out Costs Availability of robust data Comparison between pilots, where appropriate
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots Anecdotal findings
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots So where and how do the professionals fit in?
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots what next? Sharing of learning - Delivering the Vision, January 2007 Revision of the pathway and guidelines GOS review On-going promotion of community based services
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots Closing thoughts Be objective about new ways of working Be aware of your patients’ fears and concerns Provide clear and concise information Work for better eye care services
The NHS Eyecare Pathway Pilots Thank you for your attention Any questions?