Short Range Transit Improvement Plan CITY OF HIGHPOINT Sounding Board Meeting Educational Session 101 May 29, 2014
Agenda Welcome and Introductions – Overview of the Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) Goals and Objectives – Discussion of the goals, objectives and values – Exercise 1 – Refine G&Os Service Planning: Routes and Schedules – Overview of existing routes, modifications and new services – Exercise 2 – Mark up System Map Bus Stops: Spacing and Amenities – Overview of existing bus stop characteristics – Exercise 3 – Mark up Bus Stop/Station map Group Presentations and Open Discussion Adjourn
Introduction What is a Short Range Transit Plan? – Guides the development of Hi Tran service over the next five years. – Establishes goals and objectives for transit service and infrastructure investments. What you bring to the process. – Provides opportunities for public input into future transit services.
Project Schedule Update PartProject TasksStatus 1 Existing Conditions Assessment 2 Future Scenario Development and Recommendations June-October
Project Overview and Scope 1.Existing Conditions Assessment – Analysis of existing conditions and peer review Operations performance analysis Budget review and technology assessment – Public involvement activities 2.Future Scenario Development and Recommendations – Develop future service options and recommendations – Conduct briefings with Steering Committee and Sounding Board – Develop action-oriented SRTP
Transit Planning Fundamentals Focus on customer Keep service simple Provide door to door service Avoid internal competition between system routes Maximize opportunities to connect with other services Understand realities Tradeoffs – Coverage vs. Frequency
Current Conditions Three service types: – Fixed-route local – Fixed-route limited stop – Dial-a-Lift Provides nearly 3,550 weekday boardings on fixed-route services – Annually: ~905,250
Average Weekday Ridership
Passenger Activity Locations Major passenger activity locations – Broad Avenue Terminal Weekday averages: 1,500 boardings and 1,400 alightings 42 percent of all trip ends system- wide Capacity: 10 buses under the canopy at one time – Other key activity locations: GTCC High Point GTCC Jamestown Guilford County Complex Walmart South
Peer Review Provides a comparative basis for evaluating performance Considered cost effectiveness, productivity, service characteristics, and investments Review ResultScore Operating cost per passenger below peer average Subsidy per rider is below peer average Farebox recovery is above peer average High Point ranks near the top of peer group for passengers per revenue hour High Point is slightly above operating cost per capita peer average
On-Board Rider Survey On-board ridership survey -September 2013 – Riders’ trip characteristics – Ridership habits – Demographic information – Recommendations for improvements Results – Most users are traveling between home and work – 65% - bus was their only option – 54% - have used Hi-Tran for at least three years – 74% - household incomes of less than $15,000 Findings are consistent with Census data and other socioeconomic characteristics and indicators.
Public Involvement Outreach efforts include: – Establishing Committees – Today’s Educational Session – Stakeholder Interviews – Public Workshop
Current Goals and Objectives Overall Goal: Reduce operating costs, increase service productivity Previous SRTP: 1.Improve service in the NC 68 Corridor 2.Improve coordination among transportation providers, specifically Greensboro 3.Increase paratransit service, reduce overcrowding, and shorten travel time 4.Investigate services that connect High Point with outlying communities, specifically Thomasville, Archdale, and Asheboro Community Growth Vision Statement: Goal: “Balance the efficient movement of vehicles with the needs of pedestrians, alternative transit modes, and aesthetic quality.” Objectives: – Expand and enhance bus service in High Point – Explore other mass transit options for transportation within the region – Expand the greenway system and add bike lanes to key roads linking activity centers and important destinations
Exercise #1 Discuss and refine G&Os as a group. Make refinements based on your personal knowledge of routes and system and information you heard today. The refined G&Os will be considered by staff and finalized. These will become the new G&Os that guide the SRTP.
Service Planning Fundamentals Service planning process 1 Identify community characteristics/travel patterns 2 Define activity centers and trip generators 3 Document land uses and future growth areas 4 Consider existing transportation infrastructure conditions 5 Plan the route or route options (alignment and schedule) 6 Select a service concept and develop implementation plan 7 Evaluate performance
Transit Supportive Land Uses Land use is key ingredient in transit’s success Transit-oriented urban design: – Street-oriented land uses. – Mixed, higher density uses. – Interconnected sidewalks, pedestrian amenities, bicycle facilities. – Grid network instead of disconnected roads. – Building and development codes supportive of transit. Opportunities for shared uses – Town policies for new developments. – Shared parking.
Transit-Friendly Street Designs SupportiveUnsupportive
Programmed Changes Montlieu Avenue from Centennial Street to College Avenue given to High Point University Route 10 serving Cornerstone Eye Care has been changed Top 5 Routes Route 10 - Saturday Route 11 - Saturday Route 11 - Weekday Route 18 - Weekday Route 16 - Saturday Bottom 5 Routes Route 21 - Weekday Route 12 - Weekday Route 19 - Saturday Route 19 - Weekday Route 15 - Saturday
Exercise #2 You will work in groups at your table. Each group has a facilitator. Select a spokesperson.
Exercise #2 Using the Base System Map: – Mark up existing routes using markers and post-it notes. – Draw new routes/changes to existing routes. – Write other improvements and enhancements to system on maps or large board. Changes should be based on your personal knowledge of routes & information you heard today. Consider & discuss all perspectives; keep an open mind. Spokesperson to present your groups’ preferences at end of session.
Bus Stops and Amenities Bus stops are the “Front Door” of the transit system Tradeoff – Speed versus Access – More stops means more access, but slower travel times; fewer stops means less access but faster travel times – Are there too many bus stops along portions of a street? Depending on infrastructure, bus stops can range in price from $1,000 to $10,000 Supportive pedestrian infrastructure leading to the stop
Existing Bus Stops
Exercise #3 Using the Bus Stops Map: – Mark-up existing routes using markers and post-it notes – Identify where there are too many or too few bus stops – Place color dots on map to indicate new shelters – Write other improvements and enhancements to system on maps or large board