Spotlight on… Basic Skills! Basic Skills Intervention Program Parent Informational Meeting Susie Lyons and Rebecca Weizman Reading Specialists Danielle Puleio Math Specialist Lawrence Brook Elementary School
Basic Skills Criteria Grades 1 and 2 Students who are below or approaching grade level expectations in reading Students who scored less than 70% on the End of the Year Math Test Teacher recommendation
Grades 3 Students who scored less then 40% on the national percentile on the Terra Nova Standardized Test Students who are below or approaching grade level expectations in reading Students who scored less than 70% on the End of the Year Math Test Teacher recommendation Basic Skills Criteria
Grades 4 and 5 Students who scored below 200 on the ILA or Math NJ ASK standardized test Students who are below or approaching grade level expectations in reading Students who scored less than 70% on the End of the Year Math Test Teacher recommendation
The Role of the Specialist Offer more intensified interventions for students who meet the Basic Skills criteria Collect and analyze school wide data to address individual student learning needs Create a support structure for at-risk students Support the classroom teachers to meet the needs of ALL students Provides in class assistance in addition to pull out services
Measurements of Students’ Progress Running Records Sight Words Letters and Sounds Guided Reading Groups Strategy and Skill Groups Individualized Conferences and Instruction Reading
Reading Benchmarks There is a benchmark level for each grade during every quarter This determines whether the student is reading below grade level, approaching grade level, meeting grade level, or exceeding grade level expectations. GradeQuarter 1Quarter 4 1st GradeD/EI/J/K 2nd GradeI/J/KM 3rd GradeMP 4th GradePR 5th GradeRT/U
Running Records A student is asked to read a portion of a text while teacher listens Teacher looks at the type of errors that the student makes Student is asked to retell what has happened in the story (big, important parts) Teacher asks students literal and inferential questions based on the reading
Guided Reading Groups Teacher meets with small group of students who are reading on the same level Students read a book together at their instructional level, which is ONE level higher than their independent level Teacher guides the students through the book focusing on specific reading strategies and skills Students read independently and attempt to use strategy or skill Teacher checks for comprehension Students use the strategy or skill in their independent reading books in class and at home
Daily Conferences Teacher observes the reader Teacher supports the reader with a compliment Teachers decide what the teaching point will be and how they will teach it Teacher teaches the reader a skill or strategy Teacher re-articulates what was taught and encourages the student to do this often as he or she reads
Questions to Support Comprehension What if... How did... Why did... What would happen if... What caused... What might... How would you feel if... What character traits describe... Why do you think... Why is... Don’t forget to read at home each night with your child!
Reading Resources (Use EB Public Library for log in)
Measurement of Students’ Progress Fact Fluency Math Units of Skills and Concepts Problem Solving Differentiated Guided Math Groups
Fact Fluency GradeQuarter 1Quarter 4 1st Grade Counting, Missing Numbers Sums and Differences to 10 2nd Grade Add and subtract sums to 10 Adds and subtracts fact sums to 18 3rd Grade Add and subtract to 20 Multiplications facts 0-9 4th Grade Multiplications facts 0-9 Multiplication and division facts and fact extensions (0-9) 5th Grade Multiplication and division facts
Math Units of Skills/Concepts Meeting grade level core standards Math Messages Math Boxes Journal Pages Home Links/ Study Links Post Tests/Unit Tests
Differentiated Guided Math Groups Based on formative/summative assessments Targets students’ needs Reteaches/reinforces skills
Strategies to Use at Home Create a homework routine Read family letters, Home Links and Study Links Ask your child to explain how they solved a problem Play math games to reinforce skills and fact power Read the Reference Book or SRB with your child Be accepting of mistakes Share real-life math situations using math vocabulary
Student Reference Book Math Resources
Communication Telephone calls Notes s Conferences
Contact Us! Mrs. Lyons - Ms. Weizman - Ms. Puleio –