Industrialization of America From “Rags to Riches”
Transformation of America The Second Industrial Revolution
The Standard Oil Octopus
PUCK magazine The Bosses of the Senate
Fueling American Industry Abundance of natural resources Coal Iron ore Oil Water- electricity Timber coal Iron ore oil
Drake Strikes Oil Edwin Drake Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company. Drilling for underground oil August 27, 1859 struck oil at 69 feet down. TITUSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA First operating oil well.
E L E C T R I C I T Y Thomas Edison George Westinghouse Lewis Latimer
Thomas Alva Edison The “Wizard of Menlo Park” Lab at Menlo Park, New Jersey Invention Factory 1,093 patents. Incandescent light bulb. Phonograph Motion picture camera Kinetoscope (peep show viewer) General Electric 1892
Electric Lamp
George Westinghouse Developed a device called a transformer. The transformer allowed electricity to be efficiently transmitted over long distances. This made it possible to supply electricity to homes and businesses located far from the electric generating plant. Experimented with the use of ALTERNATING CURRENT – AC – which is less expensive and more practical. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC 1886
Lewis Latimer Worked with Edison Patented improvements to light bulb.
COMMUNICATIONS Prior to 1840s, messages had to be delivered by post riders and Pony Express.
Samuel Morse Morse Code -1844
Transatlantic Telegraph Cable
T E L E P H O N E Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson “Talking Telegraph” “Mr. Watson, please come here. I want you.” BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY
Bell’s Patent
Imagined Uses of the Telephone, from "What Science May Do For Us," Life. 5:121 (April 23, 1885) "The Preacher of the Near Future Conducting Service a la Telephone"
Imagined Uses of the Telephone, from "What Science May Do For Us," Life. 5:121 (April 23, 1885) "The Wife of the Bosom Could Attend Service and Prepare the Dinner"
Imagined Uses of the Telephone, from "What Science May Do For Us," Life. 5:121 (April 23, 1885) "How My Puritan Ancestors would have 'caught on' to this"
Imagined Uses of the Telephone, from "What Science May Do For Us," Life. 5:121 (April 23, 1885) "No Going to Church Without Your Breakfast"
S T E E L Turning Iron Ore into S T E E L The Bessemer Process HENRY BESSEMER & WILLIAM KELLY
The Bessemer Process
S T E E L Key uses. Railroad track Skyscrapers
S T E E L Steel Suspension Bridges Brooklyn Bridge
Fueling American Industry Abundant labor force
Impact of the RAILROADS Railroad building and the railroad network transformed the nation’s economy. Helped industry and agriculture prosper.
Transcontinental Railroad Pacific Railway Act of 1862 Union Pacific Railroad Central Pacific Railroad
Transcontinental Railroad UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Began construction from Omaha, Nebraska Used many Irish immigrants in labor force
Transcontinental Railroad CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD Began construction from Sacramento, California Used many Chinese immigrants on labor force
TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROAD Completed on May 10, 1869 Union Pacific and Central Pacific met at Promontory Point in Utah
The Golden Spike Ceremony
Leland Stanford drives in the final spike. * “The Last Spike” (1881) by Thomas Hill
Railroad Land Grants
Railroad Network by 1880