In South Sudan an estimated 200,000 children under five are at risk of being malnourished… (UNICEF).


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Presentation transcript:

In South Sudan an estimated 200,000 children under five are at risk of being malnourished… (UNICEF).


Due to malnutrition and hunger, 50,000 of these children will die this year… (Adams, p.1)

UNICEF is requesting $75,068,165 from international communities in the first six months of 2014… (UNICEF-HAC-SS,p.1).

Without additional funding, UNICEF will not be able to continue to provide emergency intervention to support the humanitarian response to the country's multiple crises… (UNICEF-HAC-SS,p.1).

UNICEF has worked to deliver food, nutrition supplements,and supplies, currently reaching approximately 250,000 people in the crisis. (WFP News,p.1-2).

A new nations future is its children… (Baba).

Donate to UNICEF, to help fight hunger, today.

Works Cited: 1.UNICEF. Eastern and Southern Africa. 24 June April See More Eye Care Adams, David. "Goal." UN predicting that 50,000 children will die of hunger in South Sudan this year. 18 April Moms Against Hunger “UNICEF – Humanitarian Action for Children - South Sudan”, UNICEF's HAC. Web Feb 21, Helping Hands Tour “UNICEF – Humanitarian Action for Children - South Sudan”, UNICEF's- HAC. Web Feb 21, ANHRI WFP News. “Relief Supplies Reach Remote Akobo in South Sudan, With Joint Operation By UNICEF and WFP.” 28 March Web. 11 April Faith Church Baba, Dr. Samson Paul. UNICEF. 24 June April Orfans Know More Song: Shania Twain. God Bless The Child. Robert John "Mutt" Lange, CD