Latest developments in Hungarian national tourism legislation: possible framework of a new tourism act 22nd IFTTA Conference Rome 1-5 September, 2010 Dr Gyenizse Dorottya Hungary Ministry for National Economy Tourism Department
Topics Overview on tourism acts in force General trends, legislative content Possible framework of a new Hungarian Tourism Act Hungarian national tourism legislation under way and latest developments Conclusions – debate questions
Overview on tourism acts Comparative summary of European tourism acts in force and practice + other international best practices Sources: internet, IFTTA, UNWTO Lextour Examination: adopted by Parliaments (highest level) and general legal framework for tourism EU 27 – existing acts: Austria (regional level), Belgium (regional level), Cyprus, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Estonia, France, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, Italy (regional level), Portugal, Romania, Spain (regional level), Slovakia Other countries: Argentina, Israel, Brazil, Mauritius, Trinidad and Tobago
Overview on tourism acts We can not talk about general systems – there are different approaches and interpretation for legislative content and scopes. Main differences, examples: -complex general acts (mixed regulatory issues) -acts on tourism organisational structures (State, public organisations), competences, tasks, national promotion/marketing -acts on tourism development -acts on tourist activities, tourist services (conditions, registers, licenses, categorization etc.) Differences arise from different legal systems as well.
Overview on tourism acts Main regulatory elements 1.General provisions, principles, objectives: eg. development, facilitation, accessibility, competitiveness, sustainability, protection of tourists/service providers/tourism attractions, elimination of illegality and unfair practices, significant role of tourism, social factors 2.Definitions: tourism, tourist, visitors, tourism attractions/resources, tourist services, tourist activities, tourist product, recreation territory/area, tourist association, tourist information system, organised tour, tour operator, travel agency, tourist guide, types of accommodations, travel contract, tourist voucher
Overview on tourism acts 3.Organisational structures, competences: tourism related tasks and competences at central, regional and local levels (State, central administration, ministries, public organizations, regional and local authorities, regional and local tourism associations, tourism civil associations etc.), territorial systems, promotion/ marketing organisations, strategic planning, development 4.Tourist activities, service providers, tourist attractions: definitions, collection of different tourist services and activities (accommodation services, tour operators, travel agencies, tourist guides, restaurants, tourist information systems, tourist products, other service providers etc.), licensing/authorization systems, registrations, categorization systems
Overview on tourism acts 4.Monitoring systems, supervisory, sanctions: tourist activities, violation of requirements, monitoring procedures, sanction systems 5.Rights and obligations: tourists, tourist service providers, implementation of UNWTO Global Code of Ethics 6.Other issues: integrated tourist information system, tourist attractions, tourist facilitation, investment policy, promotion, social factors
Possible framework of a new Hungarian Tourism Act Premises Need for tourism act for years on behalf of the tourism market (tourism stakeholders, tourism civil associations) Former proposal on Tourism Act : More than 3 years negotiation on the draft Act after adopting the National Tourism Strategy former Government presented to the Parliament in May, 2008 Long conciliation process with Ministry of Justice (strict judiciary dogmas) Due to lack of political compromise and support it was finally recalled by the Government
Possible framework of a new Hungarian Tourism Act From 2010 April new Government’s aim: according to the new National Strategy Programme to work out and present proposal on Tourism Act to the Parliament Main elements and focus points of the new tourism strategy and plans – implementation elements must be included: ‘Healing Hungary’, development of ‘health industry’, health and wellness tourism, improvement of tourist demand, related tourist activities, unique tourist attractions
Possible framework of a new Hungarian Tourism Act 1.Scope, general provisions, objectives to define tourism related State’s competences and tasks, role of territorial organisation and local governments to ensure and develop environmental friendly and ‘guest focused’ tourism to protect and utilize tourist attractions sustainability, competitiveness, development, accessibility Personal scope: State, organisations, tourists, tourist service providers (enterprises) Material scope: tourist activities
Possible framework of a new Hungarian Tourism Act 2. Main definitions Tourism, tourist, visitor, tourist service, tourist product, tourist activity, tourist service provider Types of tourist products: health tourism, health industry, wellness tourism, ecotourism, rural tourism, cultural tourism, active tourism, youth tourism etc.: connection with new Strategy and action plans Non-profit tourist activities: special accommodations, services Territorial system: tourist region, recreational territory, tourist destination, tourism destination management Tourism development, tourism planning
Possible framework of a new Hungarian Tourism Act 2. Main definitions Tourist activities: accommodation services, catering, tour operators, travel agencies, tourist guides, equestrian service providers, health and wellness tourist activities (spas, medical centres), rural tourism activities etc. 3. State’s role, organisational structure Parliament: competences and tasks, relation with other legislative tasks and acts, Committee on Tourism and Sport Government: competences and tasks, Strategy, inter- governmental committees, EU representation
Possible framework of a new Hungarian Tourism Act 3. State’s role, organisational structure Minister for National Economy: concrete competences and tasks, conciliation with other related ministries in the field of tourism development and intersectorial issues National Tourism Board: advisory committee of the minister, consisting of representatives of tourism civil organizations National Tourist Office: marketing and promotion Regional level: tourist regions, regional organizations' role and competences under negotiation – relation with TDM system, relation with regional developing councils (EU Funds)
Possible framework of a new Hungarian Tourism Act 3. State’s role, organisational structure Local level: territorial regulation, to define recreational territories and resorts, requirements, statistical requirements (integrated tourism territorial system), local governments’ competences and tasks Other tourism organisations: chambers, civil associations 4. Financial system Central budget and funds for tourism development EU Funds and financial grants Regulatory system for regional and local funds (contribution rules and expenditures) Local taxes: local tourism development, promotion (proportion for refund)
Possible framework of a new Hungarian Tourism Act 5. Strategy, planning System for tourism development planning, methods Adoption and conciliation procedure for tourism strategy and action plans Tasks and competences 6. Tourist activities, requirements for tourist enterprises Basic requirements (special rules in Government’s and ministerial decrees): form, operation, types of activities Trade mark system (categorization for accommodations), tourism civil associations Code of ethics, adoption and implementation
Possible framework of a new Hungarian Tourism Act Authorization and notification systems, procedures Illegal and unfair practices, harmonised sanction system Authorities’ competences and tasks Personal data protection and treatment 7. Rights and obligations (collection) Implementation of UNWTO Global Code of Ethics + EU recommendations + special national characteristics Tourists/visitors: eg. respect, awareness, consumer protection, information, relation with fundamental rights, access, ‘multicultural effect’, protection of tourist attractions
Possible framework of a new Hungarian Tourism Act Tourist enterprises: eg. sustainability, requirements, cooperation, freedom and linearization of services, competitiveness, ethical and fair practices 8. Final provisions Application and implementation rules Empowerment provisions (for lower legislation level) Connection with other legal acts: necessary modifications
Latest developments in Hungarian national tourism legislation – under way New Act on travel activities (tour operator and travel agency activity) – under negotiations Following the aims of 126/2003/EC Service Directive and new Hungarian Service Act CLXXVI/2009. Definitions, main purposes of the activities, technical and personal requirements of the activity, registration procedure, administrative requirements, financial security (bank guarantee, insurance, deposit), inspections, sanctions (cancellation from the register, fine) Screening results: - maintain pre-registration for travel companies in case of establishment - notification in case of cross-border services - competences of authority - simplification of procedures -electronic administration Big debate with stakeholders on the financial guarantee system (Government’s aim is to increase minimum sums after certain bankruptcies recently)
Latest developments in Hungarian national tourism legislation – under way Accommodation services: new legal act adopted by the Government in 2009 on authorization of accommodations New license system was introduced: accommodation- licence for the establishments (different authorities are involved, but only one procedure to the client) Authorization is connected with the establishment not with the activity and the service provider New standardization proceeding: involving civil organizations – trade mark system owned by the Ministry, not obligatory, registration process is under way
Conclusions Adoption of general tourism act or maintain special and fragmented regulatory system? Aim: better regulation system – more effective legislation and implementation, legal dogmatic questions (elimination of over-regulation) Legislative level: for introducing general system in Hungary the legislator must be the Parliament Review of other legal acts adopted by the Parliament due to parallel regulatory elements Implementation of tourism strategies and developing plans: general rules must be included Rights and obligations: relation with the Constitution, introducing ‘tourism rights and obligations’?
Thank you for your kind attention! Dr Dorottya Gyenizse Ministry for National Economy Tourism Department Hungary Tel: