Steel-made by purifying iron ore. Bessemer Process- blast air into molten iron to burn off impurities (makes steel) Expensive to purify until the Bessemer Process
Andrew Carnegie brought the Bessemer Process to America Created U.S. Steel Lowered the cost of steel from $100/ton to $12/ton in 1873 U.S.A. was built on steel (skyscrapers, railroads, bridges, etc)
RAILROADAIRPLANES Transcontinental Railroad 6 years to lay track from San Francisco to Omaha Union Pacific started in Omaha and headed west Central Pacific started in SF and headed east Met near Ogden, Utah Drove a golden spike to unite the tracks Wright Brothers st powered, sustained and controlled airplane flight Kitty Hawk, NC
Automobiles Only affordable for rich in early 1900s Henry Ford made affordable for working class Assembly line decreased cost. Ford perfected the assembly line; he didn’t come up with the idea
OILELECTRICITY John D. Rockefeller Standard Oil Refined oil in Cleveland, OH Increase demand for oil in U.S. Cars Kerosene for lamps Thomas Edison Invented the light bulb Bamboo filament His invention changed the way we live. How would your daily life be different if you didn’t have electric lights?
Telephone Invented by Alexander Graham Bell Obtained a patent in 1876 1 st thing said on the phone, “Mr. Watson, come here”.