Goals for today Identify the purposes and powers of government Select the best type of government for Erutan Relate the purposes of government Connect those relations to the Enlightenment
THE MACHINES HAVE TAKEN OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Handout 1)
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the situation in you find yourselves? AdvantagesDisadvantages
For Discussion What would you do personally on your first day on the island? As more time passed on the island, how would your behavior change? Would you have to get food? What else would you need to survive on this island? Given your understanding of human nature and how humans behave in groups, what are some problems that are likely to arise in this situation?
John Locke vs. Thomas Hobbes
Social Contract Thomas HobbesJohn Locke Humans are naturally cruel, greedy and selfish. To escape this “brutish” life people entered into a social contract. Only a powerful government could ensure an orderly society. Believed only an absolute monarchy could keep a society completely orderly. Humans are naturally reasonable, moral and good Humans have natural rights: life liberty and property People form governments to protect natural rights Best government was one with limited power If a government violates people’s natural rights, people have the right to overthrow government
Government evolved over time The original government was a small family, wanting control Evolved into a small village, then to a small town, and so on Evolutionary Theory
Government evolved over time The original government was a small family, wanting control Evolved into a small village, then to a small town, and so on Evolutionary Theory
God created government with a vision. God wanted His followers to organize and lead people. Leaders are placed in power by God Divine Right Theory
Government was established as a reaction to attacks on villages. Villages formed governments to organize protection and conquer their own land. Force Theory
Democracy Ruled by the people for the people Hold elections to gain power of leadership Ex: United States of America
Oligarchy Ruled by a group of people (a few) Hold elections to gain power of leadership, however at times these are false elections. Ex: South Africa
Dictatorship Ruled by one person Usually control taken by military force. Power remained by fear. Ex: North Korea
Monarchy Ruled by one person usually a KING or QUEEN. Power given because of birth family. Divine right Ex: Saudi Arabia
Constitutional Monarch y Ruled by a legislature with a king or queen figure head. Hold elections to vote political parties into office. Then, leaders are chosen. Ex: Britain
Type of Government Who Rules Government How they get Power Where can find DemocracyPeopleElectionsUnited States Oligarchy A group of PeopleThrough False elections (the wealthy or military powerful) South Africa Totalitarian Dictatorship 1Leader Usually a military totalitarian leader Through force generally through military force Cuba Monarchy1Leader King or Queen Passed on with-in a certain family Saudi Arabia Constitutional Monarchy 1 Leader (King/Queen) With a legislative power Political Party is voted into office than leaders are chosen England
After completing the table in Handout 2… Decide the answer to the following questions in your groups…. What form of government will be created in Erutan? Who are the leader or leaders of Erutan? Who decides who makes the laws? What laws will be created? What are the rights and responsibilities of the citizens of Erutan?
Scavenger Hunt In your groups, go around to each station, reading the article(s) in the manila folders. Write the title of the articles that represent a purpose or power of government in the correct row of Handouts 3a and 3b. Move onto the next station as your group finishes.