Week To build a culture of savings in America.
To illustrate why saving is so important for American families To introduce America Saves Week 2011 To demonstrate why participation in America Saves Week benefits your organization and constituents "The Federal Reserve Board is pleased to be part of the team that provides support for local and national America Saves programs.” - Ben Bernake, Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve
Current state of savings in the U.S. and impact on families and individuals Questions & Comments?
“Make Saving Automatic” An opportunity for Americans to assess their financial condition and goals A dedicated time for financial action A time for organizations and institutions to emphasize Automatic Saving and make it easy to start
A national initiative with thousands of local partners including: Organizations encourage and assist Americans, especially lower-income households, to start saving and build wealth Over 225,000 Savers and growing Annual reach of more than 40 million people Collaborators/Partners FDIC -- Federal Reserve Board JumpStart-- Social Security Administration OCC -- Department of Defense Cooperative Extension -- ABA Educational Foundation CUNA-- Many others America Saves managed by Consumer Federation of America. America Saves Week Co-coordinated by America Saves and the American Savings and Education Council.
ASW 2010 Results Participation by 1,800+ organizations 500,000+ people attended events, workshops, or tax sites More than 2.9 million reached through PSAs, ads, media appearances Press reach of 40 million+ 26,000+ people enrolled as Savers In total, more than $110 million was pledged or added to accounts as a result of America Saves Week 2010 activities. Now in its fifth year, America Saves Week has grown each year
How To Participate in America Saves Week: Promotion – Information - Action Promotion ASW on your website, in your newsletters and publications ASW material to your audiences: flyers, posters, payroll stuffers Press releases, op-eds, info on your activities With financial institutions promote the Week and Savings Government and elected officials to endorse the Week Information Your organization’s information, studies, research CFA’s Study on LMI Savers & calculators AICPA’s Emergency Savings Calculator ASEC’s Ballpark Estimate FINRA’s Save & Investment website
How To Participate in America Saves Week: Promotion – Information - Action Action Signing up as a Saver and opening and adding to accounts Saving at Tax Time by purchasing Savings Bonds Attending classes, seminars, creating savings plans Signing up for direct deposit and automatic savings Other ideas
Increase your visibility and expand relationships Increase public awareness of the need and opportunity to save Create additional opportunities for individuals to take positive financial action QUESTIONS?
Resources, Strategies & Materials
Bottom Line The savings message, resources and opportunity to save can support your clients, customers, participants, employees. Your organization will benefit from participation in America Saves Week 2011, February It is easy to participate in America Saves Week to support your program, services and products. Register TODAY as a participating organization at americasavesweek.org
QUESTIONS? Contact: Nancy Register – George Barany - Ken McDonnell - Charles Lowry-