Achieving Campus Diversity: The University of Central Florida Model Association of Community College Trustees presented by Valarie Greene King, Ph.D., Director Office of Diversity Initiatives
Purpose Share UCF strategic planning documents and processes that include a focus on diversity. Share and examine some of UCF’s best practices in achieving diversity and inclusion.
Definition of Diversity People: Diversity Wheel Process: Policies Procedures Programs Priorities
Diversity Plan Structure and complexity (Areas of focus-Framework) Recruitment and Retention Campus Climate Education and Scholarship Outreach and Engagement What do you look for in a diversity plan? Yellow Handout
Diversity Plan How do you assess your plan? University assessment process and ODI review How is the diversity plan tied to the budget? Budget is tied to priorities and priorities are funded
Diversity and Inclusion Change Process Establishing a Sense of Urgency Forming a Powerful Guiding Coalition Creating a Vision Communicating the Vision Empowering Others to Act on the Vision Planning for and Creating Short-Term Wins Consolidating Improvements and Producing More Change Institutionalizing New Approaches
Framework for Our Work What can get in the way? Me, you and everyone else… The lack of common goals… The lack of a common body of knowledge…
Framework for Our Work What else can get in the way? The “oversensitive theory…” The “can’t we all just get along theory…” The “how long do we have to talk about history theory…” The “I just don’t see differences theory…”
Common Body of Knowledge Diversity Wheel: Beyond Race and Gender
Diversity Wheel The center of the wheel represents internal dimensions that are usually most permanent or visible. The outside of the wheel represents dimensions that are acquired and change over the course of a lifetime. The combinations of all of these dimensions influence our values, beliefs, behaviors, experiences and expectations and make us all unique as individuals.
Common Body of Knowledge Definitions: Diversity, Inclusion, Culture, Stereotypes, Bias, Prejudice, Cultural Competency, Power, Privilege, Discrimination, Generalizations, Social Justice, etc… Goals: Strategies: Activities:
Strategic Planning Diversity Framework: Areas of Focus Organizational Structures: People, their functional roles, processes, programs, and measures of accountability and recognition that clearly show the commitment to diversity and inclusion. Focus on assessing patterns and relationship dynamics between and among diverse individuals and groups. Facilitate the construction of networks to ensure that issues of diversity and inclusions are firmly ensconced within operational protocols.
Organizational Structures Examples Office of Diversity Initiatives, Disability Student Services, Veteran’s Academic Resource Center… Provost’s Diversity Enhancement Program (Policy Statement) Strategic Plan that includes Diversity Framework
Strategic Planning Diversity Framework: Areas of Focus Recruitment and Retention Policies, programs, and initiatives to increase the number of individuals from traditionally underrepresented groups who attend, work, collaborate, partner, and support, the university as students, faculty, staff, administrators, contractors, suppliers, community partners, stakeholders… Policies, programs, and initiatives to nurture and preserve diversity throughout the university community.
Recruitment and Retention Examples Provost’s Diversity Enhancement Program Leadership Enhancement Program LEGACY Leadership and Mentoring Program
Strategic Planning Diversity Framework: Areas of Focus Campus Climate Atmosphere and structures that contribute to attitudes and behaviors that foster a campus environment in which individuals feel personally safe, listened to, respected, valued, and treated fairly and equitably. Quality of personal and professional interactions demonstrated by leaders and members of the university community.
Campus Climate Examples Affinity Groups Allies: LGBT Training and Support Systems Staff Council Leadership Enhancement Program for Faculty and Staff Inclusive Communication Guide and Workshop Diversity Week Diversity Week Posters Diversity Breakfast Program
Strategic Planning Diversity Framework: Areas of Focus Education and Scholarship : The heart of the university! Formal and informal curricula, research initiatives, and creative endeavors that are transformed to embrace diversity, inclusion, and social justice. Knowledge, information, and skills that systematically examine, critically analyze, and thoughtfully create projects and programs that increase our understanding of and appreciation for differences while promoting cultural competency.
Education and Scholarship Examples Diversity Education and Training (Workshops and Seminars) Cultural Competency Education Academic and Student Support Consultations Summer Faculty Development Conference: Diversity Track Support for faculty/students/others writing grant proposals and engaging in diversity related research
Strategic Planning Diversity Framework: Areas of Focus Outreach and Engagement Practices and initiatives that link meaningful internal collaborations with external partners in support of the university’s commitment to teaching, research, service, social justice, and cultural competency.
Outreach and Engagement Examples Community Partnerships Diversity Week Allies Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership Forum Leadership Institute
Parting Message Dwight D. Eisenhower You cannot teach what you do not know and you cannot lead where you will not go. Dwight D. Eisenhower
Contact Information Dr. Valarie Greene King, Director Office of Diversity Initiatives P. O. Box 160031 University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida 32816-0031 Phone: 407-823-6479 • Fax: 407-823-6480