Revenues by Service Area We sell what you buy Facilities Management and Environmental Compliance $6.7M (9.6%) Facilities Management and Environmental Compliance $36.3M (51.6%) Site Characterization and Remediation Natural Resource Management $13.6M (19.4%) Natural Resource Management Water Resource Management $7.2M (10.3%) Water Resource Management Construction and Program Management $6.5M (9.2%) Construction and Program Management Service Areas—What we can offer ANG
Selected Experience Highlights Integrating stewardship and sustainability ● Stormwater/Drinking Water Management ● Hazardous Materials Management ● Asbestos Survey and Management ● Lead-Based Paint Survey and Management ● Environmental Management Systems Audits and Implementation ● Pollution Prevention ● Environmental Management Information Systems Service Areas—What we can offer ANG
Stormwater/Drinking Water O&M though increased OPTEMPO… ● Air Force Reserve Bases—Stormwater Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluations Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans Site inventory and best management practices Customized EMIS for data management ● Fort Belvoir, VA—Drinking Water Hydraulic modeling to support construction Vulnerability assessment Drinking water quality program “EA has been totally committed to excellence and we appreciate your efforts to mobilize the same key personnel each year.” Michael Woloshuk, P.E., Environmental Engineer, Grissom ARB Service Areas—What we can offer ANG
Hazardous Materials Management Reducing Risk through Increased Awareness and P2… ● Fort Drum, NY—Program Support 3 FTE’s on–site managing HM/HW inspection and reporting program ● Ohio Air National Guard—HWMP Update HWMP to comply with Air Force Instruction (“Solid and Hazardous Waste Compliance”) and federal and state regulations. ● U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii—EPCRA Collected data on chemical acquisition, storage, usage, disposal, and releases and prepared EPCRA Tier II and Form R, TRI reports. Service Areas—What we can offer ANG
Asbestos/Lead-Based Paint ● U.S. Air Forces Europe—Lead Based Paint 12,100 family housing units, schools, and childcare facilities Sampling and analysis Exposure assessment procedure combining HUD and USAF assessment procedures Cost effective control strategies based upon the risk of exposure. ● District of Columbia Public Schools, Washington, D.C.—Asbestos Management Program Support Asbestos Management Plans for 168 schools Customized EMIS to manage data ● Walter Reed Army Medical Center, VA— Asbestos Sampling & Analysis 13 facilities and bulk samples were collected and analyzed Developed Asbestos management database for maintaining and manipulating survey data. Asbestos management and operations plans Service Areas—What we can offer ANG
Environmental Management Systems Planning for Sustainability ● Maryland Department of Transportation EMS/compliance programs (SHA, MAA, MPA & MdTA) Multimedia environmental compliance support—hazardous waste, industrial hygiene, wastewater, air Web-based EMIS application to support data management, communications, document management, and record keeping functions ● Hawaii Department of Transportation 200+ baseyards across 5 islands EMS/environmental compliance audits Compliance, Best Management Practice and Pollution Prevention checklists Lead EMS auditor and audit team training Action plan development to support Consent Agreement requirements Service Areas—What we can offer ANG
Pollution Prevention Reducing Risk ● Naval Station Newport, RI—P2 Plan Update Multi-faceted Navy support command which occupies over 1,000-acres of logistics, research and development, training, and command operations hosting 37 tenant Commands TNFESC User’s Guide UG-2046-ENV Guidance Manual for Preparation of Navy Shore Installation Pollution Prevention Plan Updates (2001) P2 Opportunity Assessments (P2OAs) ● Air National Guard—P2 Program Support P2OAs at 15 representative ANG bases Training for 150 ANG installation representatives on how to implement plans; ● Washington Department of Military, WA—P2OAs P2OA’s at 8 statewide facilities Service Areas—What we can offer ANG
Management Information Systems Customized Compliance Support Services ● Architect of the Capitol—Utility Tunnel Management System (UTIMS) Congressional Office of Compliance Settlement Agreement Five Year $300M utility tunnel modernization program Custom database application Dashboard (schedules, cost, etc.) Site Management Plan Program Planning ● Maryland Aviation Administration— Joint Environmental Tracking System (JETS) Customized EMIS to support EMS Regulatory Requirements Asset Tracking & Inventories Organization and Operations Compliance Task Tracking GIS Mapping Interface Centralized Document Repository Reporting & Recordkeeping Service Areas—What we can offer ANG
Other ● Overboard Discharge System Evaluation, USCG Academy, New London, CT— Evaluated discharges from the Barque Eagle focusing on compliance with the Clean Water Act and Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection requirements, including oily water and cooling water discharges. ● Defense Logistics Agency—Conducted SOHR audits at 21 facilities; evaluated chemical exposure monitoring, illumination, noise, ergonomics, and process control measures. ● Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, RI—Assisted NUWC in assessing, designing, and implementing an ISO EMS. ● NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Services—Audits of major science centers ● U.S. Army Reserve Centers—Prepared SWPPP, Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans, and Hazardous Waste Management Plans for 45 USARC facilities. ● Multiple National Parks (NPS)—Conducted comprehensive baseline air emission inventories for 40+ parks in 17 states. ● Multiple USARC Locations (USACE)—Prepared SWPPP, Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans, and Hazardous Waste Management Plans for 45 USARC facilities. Service Areas—What we can offer ANG