Introduction At present time Belarus has prepared greenhouse gas inventories for 1990, 1995, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and in 2003 has prepared the First National Communication. The year 1990 is the base year for the estimation and reporting of inventories. Estimation of greenhouse gases emissions for the period after 1990 have shown that they do not exceed the level of base year, as well as assessment of potential emissions until 2020.
Institution Framework According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection is determined as organization responsible for performance of the objectives and requirements of the UNFCCC. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection has the overall responsibility over the greenhouse gases inventory, but Belarussian Research Center "Ecology" with the supportive organizations takes care of the practical work. For coordination the ministries and departments on performance of the Convention and carrying out national policy on mitigation of climate change affect on economy sectors and environment at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection the Interdepartmental Working Group has been created.
Institution Framework The Working Group consist of representatives from ministries, agencies and research institutes, including: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, Ministry of Statistics and Analysis, Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Industry, Belarussian Research Center “Ecology”, Institute of Problems of Natural Resources Utilization and Ecology, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Republican Hydrometeorological Center, State Energy Efficiency Committee of the Council of Ministers, Belarussian Energy Concern.
Institution Framework The Working Group was appointed to: - coordinate of economy branches activity, the ministries and departments of Republic of Belarus on performance obligations under the UNFCCC; - realize the national policy in minimization of harmful anthropogenic activity affect on climate, prevention of negative consequences of climate change for stable developments of economy and an environment; - coordinate and organize participation of the Republic of Belarus in the UNFССС bodies and in the international and regional cooperation on problems of climate change. The institutions listed above are also the main sources of data, but are not limited to those examples shown. For each of the major sectors (Energy, Industry, Waste, LUCF, Solvents and Agriculture) available national published data sources have been identified.
UNFCCC Secretariat National Inventory Submission BRC “Ecology” Regulations under the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol GHG Inventory Reporting Forms Methodical Maintenance Regional Authorities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection Ministry of Statistic and Analysis Other Ministries Scientific Organization s Published Data Sources Emissions Sources Categories Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection
Institution Framework The main functions of the ministries and departments are to provide information according to the Instruction and to present it to customer (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection - Belarussian Research Center “Ecology” (BRC “Ecology”)). At present, the BRC “Ecology” prepares annual national greenhouse gases inventory. In the structure of BRC “Ecology” there is a group of five person, which carries out inventory preparation. Experts of other organizations also applied for carried out this work.
Institution Framework The BRC “Ecology” provides: analysis of the data requirements and providing the methodical manual for data collection; data extraction, documentation and archiving; calculating of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol; reviewing the estimated data and preparation of national GHG inventory in the required format and volume; translation of the National Report into the United Nations language and its representation to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection and Secretariat UNFCCC.
Data collection The major source of national activity data used for estimation in Energy sector, Industrial Processes and Agriculture sectors, is the Ministry of Statistics and Analysis, including both published data and data, providing for an official inquiry. Additionally the following national data sources have been used: - data of other ministries, departments and scientific institutes; - data of individual enterprises; - national and departmental statistical reports, handbooks, methodical guidelines, different archives, publications, etc., research findings obtained by the task force working on respective problems.
Legal basis for the national system The following basic normative documents are regulating the attitudes in the field of environmental problems of climate change in the Republic of Belarus: The Law on Environment Protection of the Republic of Belarus, in force from 1992; The Law on Atmospheric Air Protection of the Republic of Belarus, in force from 1997.
Legal basis for the national system At the same time, development of the following acts is necessary: The Law on Climate; Instruction on the order of data representation for inventory of GHG emissions by sources and removals by sinks preparation (at present, is on consideration in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection and the statement of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus will be necessary); The Decision of the Council of Ministries “About the Order of Kyoto Protocol Positions Performance in the Republic of Belarus»; National climatic program of the Republic of Belarus; National strategy of the Republic of Belarus to reduce greenhouse gases; The instruction about preparation of annual national inventory of GHG emissions by sources and removals by sinks (at present, is on consideration in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection and the statement of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus will be necessary).
For achievement of the more efficient data collection and improving the inventory system it is necessary: to develop a conceptual design for establishment of the national system according to UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol standards; develop a quality management system; implement the quality management system; conduct a comprehensive uncertainty analysis; identify key source categories.
Contact Information BRC «Ecology» Address: Horuzhaya St. 31A, Minsk Fax: Tel: ;