Donatella Fazio BLUE-ETS project coordinator Maria Grazia Calza BLUE-ETS senior researcher ISTAT BLUE-ETS BLUE – Enterprise and Trade Statistics 2012 ESSnet Workshop – Cavour Conference Centre, Rome, 3-4 December 2012 EU 7th Framework Programme Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities
BLUE – ETS Overview BLUE-ETS is a collaborative research project, funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme 2009 Theme 8- Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (GA ) Duration 1 April March 2013 BLUE-ETS is based on a Consortium, led by the Italian National Institute of Statistics, of 16(*) partners which includes NSIs (5), research institutes (3) and universities (8) covering the areas and expertises needed to implement the research carried on by the project in the perspective of data producers and data users BLUE-ETS is about official business statistics in the framework of the EU Parliament and Council Programme on the Modernization of European Enterprises and Trade Statistics (MEETS)
BLUE – ETS Consortium 1 Italian National Institute of StatisticsISTATItaly 2 Statistics NetherlandsCBSNetherlands 3 Statistics NorwaySSBNorway 4 University of BolognaUNIBOItaly 5 Institute of Informatics and StatisticsINFOSTATSlovakia 6 Centre for European Policy StudiesCEPSBelgium 7 University of LjubljanaULSlovenia 8 University of NaplesUNINAItaly 9 University of TrierUTGermany 10 University of BergamoUNIBGItaly 11 University of SouthamptonUoSUnited Kingdom 12 Statistics SwedenSCBSweden 13 Statistics SloveniaSORSSlovenia 14 Institute for Employment ResearchIABGermany 15 University of FlorenceUNIFIItaly 16 University of Manchester (*)UoMUnited Kingdom
BLUE – ETS Objectives BLUE-ETS addresses one of the key challenges for EU and other countries' NSIs, international and other organisations working on enterprise and trade statistics: providing high quality and robust statistical information for better policy and socio-economic research supporting the Europe 2020 Strategy BLUE-ETS main objectives are: respond to a changing and growing demand for new and better data on business statistics propose cost-efficient improved ways to collect, disseminate, use and access data for both research and policy purposes reduce the burden on businesses imposed by data collecting
BLUE – ETS Work Plan(1/3) BLUE-ETS is structured in 11 Work Packages (WP), with an outcome of 34 deliverables, belonging to 4 main research areas: AREA1 WP2-WP3-WP4-WP5 research for better data collection and better data quality, greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness - tacking innovative actions at the design and collection stages, handling issues relating to cost, motivation and quality AREA2 WP6-WP7 research for better statistics through boosting the "potential" of existing data - "enriching" the quality of data and swelling their informational contents
BLUE – ETS Work Plan(2/3) AREA3 WP8-WP9 research for investing in new knowledge and value added, and opening up new opportunities - applying new methodologies, opening up new vistas, availing of the opportunities disclosed by new technologies AREA4 WP10-WP11 research for extending results and improving the statistical information, by fostering the dialogue and the cooperation among producers, users and policymakers - improving relationships with users, developing best practices and ways to disseminate
BLUE – ETS Work Plan(3/3)
BLUE – ETS Main Results(1/5) WP2 “NSIs’ practices concerning business burden and motivation” Leader: CBS Other partners : SSB, UL, SCB, SORS The main results are reported in Deliverable 2.1 “Inventory of published research: Response burden measurement and reduction in official business statistics. A literature review of national statistical institutes’ practices and experiences” Deliverable 2.2 “Response Burden in Official Business Surveys: Measurement and Reduction Practices of National Statistical Institutes”
BLUE – ETS Main Results(2/5) WP 3 “Business perspectives related to NSIs’ statistics” Leader: UL Other partners : CBS, SSB, UNIBG, SCB The main results are reported in Deliverable 3.1 “Business use of NSI statistics based on external sources (NSIs, publications, expert opinions)” Deliverable 3.2 “Final report integrating findings on business perspectives related to NSIs' statistics”
BLUE – ETS Main Results(3/5) WP 4 “Improve the use of administrative sources” Leader: CBS Essnet AdminData Other partners : ISTAT, SSB, INFOSTAT, SCB The main results are reported in Deliverable 4.1 “List of quality groups and indicators identified for administrative data sources” Deliverable 4.2 “Report on methods preferred for the quality indicators of administrative data sources” (RESTRICTED) Deliverable 4.3 “Quality Report Card for Administrative data sources including guidelines and prototype of an automated version”
BLUE – ETS Main Results(4/5) WP 10 “Improve the dialogue across EU NSIs and Stakeholders” Leader: CEPS Other partners : ISTAT, CBS, UL, UT The main results are reported in Deliverable 10.1 “Initial brainstorming/workshop” Deliverable 10.2 “Conference on Burden and Motivation in Official Business Surveys”
BLUE – ETS Main Results(5/5) WP 11 “Scientific coordination and dissemination “ Leader: ISTAT Other partners : CBS, UNIBO, INFOSTAT, UL, UNINA The main results are reported in Deliverable 11.1 and 11.2 “Communication tools” Deliverable 11.3 “Workshop on pilot data collection at NSIs and businesses and to discuss other preliminary research results challenges and directions” Deliverable 11.4 “Workshop to select ideas gathered on promising approaches to burden reduction and motivation enhancement for testing and to discuss phase 1 advances, present tools and research results” Deliverable 11.5 "Workshop to discuss phase 2 advances, present tools and research results”
BLUE – ETS Working in progress WP 5 “New ways of collecting and analyzing information” Leader: INFOSTAT Other partners : UNINA WP6 “Enhancing quality of business statistics” Leader: UT Other partners : ISTAT, UNIBO, UoS, UoM WP7 “Business data integration, systematization and access” Leader: ISTAT Other partners : CBS, UoS, IAB, UoM WP8 “Methodological case studies” Leader: INFOSTAT Other partners : ISTAT, CBS, SSB, UL, UNIBG, SCB, SORS WP9 “New types of indicators-Applying results” Leader: ISTAT Other partners : UNIBO, CEPS The research activity is in progress: provisional results have been presented at the "Workshop to discuss phase 2 advances, present tools and research results” (Deliverable 11.5)
BLUE – ETS Next steps NTTS2013 Conference (session on BLUE-ETS) BLUE-ETS Final Conference Release of all the deliverables envisaged by the project by March 2013