Tracking Publication Histories Yvette Diven Publisher & Sr. Product Manager ALCTS CRS Holdings Forum ALA Annual Conference, New Orleans June 25, 2011 Mapping the lifecycle of serials in Ulrichsweb™
Why gather serials publication history data? Identify changes over time Support researcher needs for information Collection management needs Create holdings records Support the library’s initiatives
Supporting Discovery and Management
Ulrich’s™ – History and Timeline 1932 – Periodicals Directory: A Classified Guide to a Selected List of Current Periodicals Foreign & Domestic Editor: Carolyn Farquhar Ulrich Publisher: R.R. Bowker 1938 – Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory™ 1986 – Ulrich’s™ Plus on CD-ROM 1999 –™ 2007 – Ulrich’s services move to Serials Solutions 2009 – Ulrich’s™ XML Data Service 2010 – All new Ulrichsweb™ launched in December
Serials Past, Present, and Future
Number of Actively Published Serials Titles Statistics from Ulrichsweb™, June 1, Copyright© ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. Titles per Publisher # Active Titles # Publishers#Academic/ Scholarly Titles # Consumer Titles # Trade Titles # Refereed Titles 180,433 21,99617,64412,0787, ,51122,09419,98212,71715,6835, ,4981,3706,7754,5835,5342, , ,8684,82412,57314,243 Total227,604104,60575,62139,76845,86829,907 In addition: >90,000 ceased, suspended, or other status titles
“It’s just a periodical. What could happen?” Print launches in YYYY Suspended after 5 years Restarts in YYYY Begins new numbering or series Online launches in YYYY Print ceases w/Vol.#, Issue # Merges w/another title Ceased print is digitized Etc.
Start / End years Publication frequency Publication status Restart dates Volumes and issues* Online edition launch dates New Series Base volumes Supplements Indexes Title and ISSN history Title mergers, splits A&I coverage by source, provider, and vol./issue* Full-text coverage data Elements of publication history gathered: *Expanding global data collection
Publishers Original, transferring, receiving Secondary (A&I) Aggregators Document suppliers Librarians Data team outreach, research and verification Sources of publication history data:
Where are the Sources of the Data?
Annual since 1980; previously biennial 7 base volume(s), updated semi-annually Ceased 1989 (vol.81, no.4) ; resumed * ; resumed ; resumed 1991 (vol.1, no.51) *1987; New Series 1999 * (Merged with: Clinical Neonatology to form: Pediatrics and Neonatology) Presentation of publication history data: *Planned for Q release
Abstracting & Indexing A&I database coverage A&I print titles (including ceased A&Is) Full-text database coverage From Serials Solutions® KnowledgeWorks™ Back issue and reprint services Availability data from providers answers the question: Who covers this publication?
Coverage data within databases and electronic sources
Coverage data within print and ceased sources Maintaining pointers to earlier coverage
How is this publication history data used? Identify changes to serial publications over time Better understand what journal volumes and issues are available for research Learn whether there are year or volume/issue gaps for a journal in the collection Track journal ‘families’ for print archiving projects Create holdings records from a baseline of publication history or pattern data Support the library’s initiatives
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