Advertising Persuasive Techniques Be aware of the role of the media!
Purpose of Advertising You’re not immune!!! Advertising works below the level of conscious awareness Selling lifestyles, not products
Advertising Persuasive Techniques Avante Garde Bandwagon Glittering Generalities Hidden Fears Magic Ingredients Patriotism Plain Folks Snob Appeal Transfer Testimonial Wit and Humor Facts and Figures
Glittering Generalities Uses appealing words and images to sell An indirect message that suggests that if you buy the wonderful product, it will change your life Ex. A cosmetic that will make you look younger, a car that will give you status
Hidden Fears Suggests that the product will protect you from some type of danger Ex. A disinfectant spray that eliminates harmful bacteria; a laundry detergent that gets out embarrassing pit stains
Magic Ingredients The suggestion that some almost miraculous discovery makes the product exceptionally effective Ex. Oxy Clean advertisements
Patriotism The suggestion that purchasing this product shows your love for your country Ex. A company that boasts about its product being made in America (Chevy, Ford)
Plain Folks The suggestion that the product is a practical product of good value for ordinary people Ex. A Walmart commercial explaining about how easy it is to feed a normal family with their low prices
Snob Appeal The suggestion that the use of the product makes the customer part of an elite group with a luxurious lifestyle Ex. A coffee commercial showing people dressed in formal gowns and tuxedos sipping the product at an art gallery
Transfer Words and ideas with positive connotations are used to suggest that the positive qualities should be associated with the product and the user Ex. Cotton advertisers will show people wearing cotton clothing by the beach to show that their product will keep you cool on hot days
Testimonial A famous personality is used to endorse the product Ex. Tiger Woods and Nike, Jessica Simpson and Proactiv, Eva Longoria L’Oreal
Wit and Humor Customers are attracted to products that divert the audience by giving viewers a reason to laugh or to be entertained Clever use of visuals or language
Facts and Figures Statistics and factual information is used to prove the superiority of the product Operates under the theory that you can’t argue with statistics Ex. manufacturer quotes the amount of time it takes the car to get from 0 to 100 mph
Avante Garde Using the product puts you ahead of the times Ex. Be the first on your block to drive the new BMW
Bandwagon A form of propaganda Exploits the desire of most people to join the crowd or winning side The popularity of the product is important to people Even when people claim they our choices, they usually choose the most popular products