Brand Advertising Goal is to make you remember a particular brand name. Slogans, Jingles Product Placement Product Placement Informative Advertising Designed to educate you about the product’s benefits
Comparative Advertising Compares its product’s qualities to those of a competing product Highlights the competitor’s weaknesses Laundry Detergent Ads Laundry Detergent Ads Defensive Advertising To counter attacks from comparative ads
Persuasive Advertising Designed to appeal to your emotions, but it doesn’t provide much useful information. Appears to make you happier, more successful, or more satisfied. SEX APPEAL SEX APPEAL FIGHT BACK FIGHT BACK
Deceptive Ads Deliberately designed to mislead you Factually wrong statements Illegal Trimspa Trimspa Puffery/Subjective Claims Innocent exaggeration Descriptions try to increase a products appeal Legal Skittles Skittles
BENEFITS Consumers are made aware of new products. Businesses are able to get their product out to mass audiences. COSTS Advertising is another expense for businesses. The cost is built into the price you pay for goods/services.