Website Usability Evaluation
Our Service Perform an in depth evaluation of the website Offer a service to web designers and business owners Provide feedback on how the website can be improved Offer a range of packages to suit customer needs.
Our Service The main areas which we look at are : Home page content review Structure and design/aesthetics Navigation and layout Search Engine Optimisation Usability / user friendliness Accessibility Functionality (if applicable)
Innovation Not an entirely new idea Mark of certification given to approved websites. Offer a subscription service to web designers, for a fixed fee, any number of websites reviewed.
How our business will benefit the Customer Propel our clients to new levels and enhance their online presence Our service will provide the customers with an in-depth analysis of their website. Our service will aid the customer in developing a website of the highest standard.
How our business will benefit the Customer Our service will provide web-designers with an additional seal of approval. The customers website will see a dramatic increase in their traffic – leading to increased revenue. Discover new marketing opportunities for the customers business.
How our business will benefit the Customer What the customer gets from our service? Basic Package: 7 point usability analysis Custom Package: The customer can adapt our service to suit their needs Premium Package: Comprehensive package which includes a follow up
Target Market Businesses who’s websites are not performing satisfactorily Online Companies who want to increase site traffic and revenue Website designers who want to add third party approval to their sites Older websites who want to modernise 47 million new websites registered every year
Competitors Relatively few competitors exist Large number specialising in SEO or Usability separately Few offer a holistic website evaluation, which we aim to provide Concentrating on the Irish Market for the first 2 years
Expansion When established in the Irish market: Expand into global market Establish/Acquire a web development sector of the company Build up the brand recognition of the company
5 year Plan Year 1 – Establish ourselves in the Irish Market Year 2 – Strengthen our position in Ireland Year 3 – Expand into a European market Year 3 – Establish web design branch company Year 4 – Expand to Global Market Year 5 – Revenue of €500,000
Revenue Mechanisms Initial Start Up Costs Initial Technology Development ○ Domain Name ○ Website Development ○ Hosted Account Advertising Fees/ Marketing
Revenue Mechanisms
Expected Revenue Initial start up cash ○ €2500 from each partner Aiming to get 40 customers in the first year ○ 75% to take the basic package. ○ 25% split between the other two packages.
Revenue Mechanisms
Revenue Mechanism Expected Costs For Expansion Advertising Staff Technology New Office
Revenue Mechanism Expected Revenue After Expansion Aiming to get 1000 users by 3 year We hope that 50% of our customers will be using us to develop their sites