At the AREA Science Park, Trieste, Italy – in the UNIDO mandate Bridging the Digital Divide through Knowledge Exchange.


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Presentation transcript:

at the AREA Science Park, Trieste, Italy – in the UNIDO mandate Bridging the Digital Divide through Knowledge Exchange – Information Systems

What is ICS ? l established in 1988 in Trieste, Italy l operates under the aegis of UNIDO, UN specialist agency for industrial development l forms part of UNIDO’s industrial promotion network l receives support from Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs l promotes transfer of sustainable technology and know-how to developing and transition-economy countries l aims to advance industrial competitiveness and investment climate of target countries, through capacity-building and awareness-raising

Basis of ICS programme Programme shaped by: l priority needs/demands from beneficiary countries l Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs guidelines l UNIDO collaboration and complementary programmes l input of steering committees Strategy: l upstream solutions – prevention l optimization of industrial processes and technologies l assessment (technical, environmental, economic and societal)

Technical areas Pure & Applied Chemistry Catalysis and sustainable chemistry Environmentally degradable plastics Remediation technologies Combinatorial chemistry and technologies Earth, Environmental & Marine Sciences & Technologies DSS for sustainable industrial development Coastal zone management Medicinal and aromatic plants High Technology & New Materials Laser applications and optical technologies New materials Photovoltaic solar energy Telecommunication technologies

Horizontal support Information Systems l IT development: in-house software, databases, networks, decision-support tools (e.g. software for process simulation, molecular modelling, remote sensing, GIS, mathematical modelling, environmental simulation) Technology Management l Training in technology management and transfer skills (e.g. competitiveness, business alliances, partnerships, technology foresight)

IT-based service modules, implemented through projects l Participation in regional programmes: e.g. UNEP’s Mediterranean Action Plan; Adriatic programme (MAE, CEI)... l In-situ problem-solving, case studies l In-house validation of project proposals, and submission to international donors Training courses, workshops, meetings, training material l International meetings, extended workshops, short courses, conventional and web-based training Hands-on experience l Sharing of in-house IT expertise with partners l Training of specialists to use and develop the tools they need Networking, focal points, training centers Achieving goals

InfoTech ë Information Technology Network  organize technology information  include documents created by focal points and end-users  search and retrieve information and documents through a dynamic databases  manage information resources and technology innovation

EKEN ë Education and Knowledge Exchange Network  provide online learning  libraries and knowledge exchange  focus on technologies for industry and SME’s  build and maintain information resources that may be shared within a network of partners  Internet-based data collection and analysis for focal-point ambitions

Contacting ICS ICS-UNIDO AREA Science Park Padriciano Trieste, Italy tel fax AREA Science Park