The Evolution of Workplace Learning in the United States Since 1607 Gary J. Confessore, Ed.D. Sharon J. Confessore, Ph.D. EunMi Park, Ed.D. HRD Enterprises Bon Secours Health System Johns Hopkins University 2008 East Asia Forum for Adult Education Guangzhou and Macau May 18 – 22, 2008
Adult Learning and HRD: New Requirements Create Opportunities
Time-Line of Adult Education Practices in the U.S.A. From 1607 - 1920 Time-Line of Adult Education Practices in the U.S.A. Time-Line of Workplace Training Practices in the U.S.A. 1607 1790 1860 1920 Formative Era 1607 - 1789 Establishment Era 1790 - 1859 National Era 1869 - 1920 Agricultural & Practical Skills learned through Apprenticeships, Guilds, & Indentured Service Industrial skills certified by labor unions after period of experience 1st Morrill Act – 1862 Immigration & need for adult basic education in workplace 2nnd Morrill Act - 1890
National Defense Education Act - 1958 From 1920 - 1959 Time-Line of Adult Education Practices in the U.S.A. Time-Line of Workplace Training Practices in the U.S.A. 1920 1944 1957 1960 Sputnik – 1957 Space Race National Defense Education Act - 1958 Transition to the Modern Era 1920 - 1943 Serviceman’s Readjustment Act 1944 1928 Great Depression Hawthorn productivity study (1927 - 1932) On the Job-Training Bandura’s work on observable behaviors First Computer-Based Training System (CBT) - 1959 JIT (Job Instruction Training) By National Defense Advisory Commission Change from worker skills to employee satisfaction
Time-Line of Adult Learning Theory in the U.S.A. From 1960 - 1995 Time-Line of Adult Learning Theory in the U.S.A. Time-Line of Workplace Training Practices in the U.S.A. 1960 1975 1985 1995 1st International SDL Symposium 1986 Theory of Planned Behavior - 1991 Learner Autonomy Defined -1992 Internet exceeds 4 million nodes 1994 Houle – 1961 Johnstone & Rivera – 1965 Andragogy popularized in U.S.A. – 1970 Cross, Valley & Assoc. - 1974 Self-Directed Learning – 1975 Metacognition - 1976 Social Learning Theory - 1977 Adult’s Learning Projects - 1979 Theory of Reasoned Action -1980 Multiple Intelligences - 1983 Most mid-size companies have in-house training programs The Third Wave - 1980 HRD-Adult Learning programs develop in Higher Education One employer for life concept eliminated Multiple careers across the life span Knowledge & information replace money as wealth Equal Pay Act of 1963 Civil Rights Act of 1964 Future Shock - 1970
Time-Line of Adult Learning Theory in the U.S.A. From 1995 – 2008 Time-Line of Adult Learning Theory in the U.S.A. Time-Line of Work-Related Learning in the U.S.A. 1995 2000 2008 Precursors to intentionality and persistence intentions to learn constructed - 2001 Learner Autonomy Profile - 2001 Autonomous learning and SDL contrasted from agentic perspective- 2008 Emotional Intelligence – 1995 Learning as a Way of Being – 1996 1st World Congress on SDL, Montreal – 1997 Resourcefulness & initiative intentions to learn constructed - 1999 Learning Organizations Distance Learning Chief Learning Officers Individual Development Plans Knowledge Management Systems Communities of Practice Leadership Development Succession Planning Web based learning Executive Coaches
Projections From Present to 2020 Projections of Adult Learning Theory in the U.S.A. Projections of Work-Related Learning in the U.S.A. 2009 2020 Web-based learning will become a dominant model Assessment and enhancement of learner autonomy will support several research agendas Simulations & gaming for learning will be more realistic Learning theory rather than instructional design will become the core component of knowledge acquisition models Dominance of Distance Learning Programs Internet-based Mentoring Focus on Developing Behavioral Intentions to Learn “Trainers” will be viewed as “learning support resources” Individual development plans based on assessment of learner autonomy will be common Internet commuting will replace physical commuting in light of energy and other economic realities Corporations will be slow to modify employee selection, development, and evaluation models to account for Internet commuting Network based learning and simulation learning
Contact Information Gary J. Confessore, Ed.D., MLAC Sharon J. Confessore, Ph.D. EunMi Park, Ed.D., MLAC