1 IMAT Capable Manpower FNC Interactive Multisensor Presented at the Workshop on : Analysis Training Storytelling as an Instructional Method Mesa, AZ 7-8 Nov 2006 Sandra K. Wetzel-Smith Wallace H. Wulfeck Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center and Naval Mine and Antisubmarine Warfare Command Office of Naval Research Interactive Multisensor Presented at the Workshop on : Analysis Training Storytelling as an Instructional Method Mesa, AZ 7-8 Nov 2006 Sandra K. Wetzel-Smith Wallace H. Wulfeck Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center and Naval Mine and Antisubmarine Warfare Command Office of Naval Research
2 IMAT Storytelling in Instruction Ingredients for instruction: Student Personal Instructor Shared Problem Space – Socratic Tutoring: Allegories and Parables – 1950s-60s: Functional Context Training – Cases, Stories, Problems, Scenarios, Situations – In IMAT Training, we use visualizations, simulations, and real-world operations.
3 IMAT IMAT Technical Approach Use physics-based models and databases to create tactically relevant visualizations Embed these in training systems: Provide physically accurate, high- fidelity models and simulations with explanation and practice designed to promote efficient skill acquisition Support relevant practice and rehearsal with realistic environmental complexity Develop deployable and web- enabled training for sonar operations and tactical employment aboard submarines and other platforms Extend approach to Fleet performance support systems and in networked training systems Use build-test-build spiral development with frequent at-sea try-out Physical Models & Simulation Scientific Visualization Cognitive Science and Instructional Technologies Instructor Displays, Console Simulations, Tactical Visualization Systems
IMAT Schoolhouse Training Basic acoustics, oceanography, sensors. Developed visualization technologies for training basic theory underlying undersea warfare. IMAT Sonar Employment Training: Interfaced IMAT capabilities with real-time target generation / ocean modeling and operator console simulations. Extended IMAT concept to operator team and sonar supervisor training. Over 20 Schools/Courses across all ASW communities Deployable Sonar Operations Training: Develop on-board high fidelity databases, near real time simulations, and visualizations for training tactical planning and mission reconstruction. Extend IMAT Concept to on- board training for tactical planning and execution for CO/XO/Sonar Team. FY02-06 Trainer Procurement for Sub Team Trainer Battlegroup/Theater Use network infrastructure to support and train BG and theater-level multisensor / multiplatform mission planning and analysis. IMAT Project At-Sea Training - Subs, DESRONs, BGs, TREs SUBLANT/SUBPAC Search Planner, Basin-Wide Area Analysis SUBLANT/SUBPAC Search Planner, Basin-Wide Area Analysis CTFs, 7 th Fleet
5 IMAT Design of Story-Based Training Characterize the context and problems in which the story is set Describe the actions and outcomes succinctly Explore the outcomes of alternative courses of action Develop the prescriptive subtext that informs the intended behavior, and Create metaphors using model-based visualization to allow commanders to work with incredibly complex tasks