Midwest Region Executive Board Meeting Past President Dr. George Burruss Southern Illinois University President Dr. Victoria Beck University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh 1 st Vice President, Conference Coordinator Dr. Joseph Ferrandino Indiana University, Northwest 2 nd Vice President, Fundraising Dr. Jennifer Peck Florida Atlantic University Secretary Dr. Kimberly Dodson Western Illinois University Treasurer Dr. Jeffery Bumgarner University of North Dakota State ACJS Region 3 Trustee Dr. Joeseph A. Schafer Southern Illinois University Editor, Journal of Crime and Justice Dr. Michael Leiber University of South Florida
Agenda Welcome Old Business – Past Minutes Treasurer’s Report Journal Editor’s Report ACJS Report Elections and Officer Transitions
Old Business Minutes (Kim)
Treasurer’s Report: Dr. Jeffery Bumgarner Membership o Per MCJA Constitution, membership runs from October through September each year. o As of 2/24/15, MCJA has 94 members who are current through Sept 2015, including: 62 regular members ($50 membership fee) 32 student members ($30 membership fee) 2014 Conference Attendance – 220 total (last year total 150) o 89 Preregistered (including 46 members, 33 students, & 10 non- student/non-members) o 131 onsite registrations 501(c)(3) status – application completed and filed; awaiting IRS review Treasurer position is up for election this year. The term is 2 years.
Treasurer's Report (cont.) Financial health Two MCJA bank accounts: US Bank and Bremer Bank Total cash assets as of 2/24/15 = $41, ($35, in traditional cking accts) Bremer checking: $ 1, US Bank checking: $33, Edward Jones Acct #1: $ Edward Jones Acct #2: $ 3, Edward Jones Acct. #3: $ 2, Outlays and revenue (from Sept 22, 2014 through February 24, 2015) $14, in outlays $17, in revenues
Editor’s Report Dr. Michael J. Leiber
ACJS Region 3 Trustee’s Report Dr. Joseph A. Schafer
Elections & Transitions 2 nd Vice President Election Results o Congratulations to Dr. Jennifer Peck Dr. Joseph Ferrandino transitions to 1 st Vice President Dr. Victoria Beck transitions to President Dr. George Burruss transitions to Past President MARCH ELECTIONS o Immediate Past President Oversees Elections Second Vice President Secretary o Kim—web master? Treasurer o Stagger terms? o Increase terms? Nominations?
New Business New MCJA Website New Look 2015 Meeting o Inn of Chicago September 24 th & 25 Changed to Full Days on Thursday and Friday Established an earlier cut-off date for abstract submissions August 1 Obtain list of ACJS member in region 3 so that they can be included in the call for paper. Limit abstract wording to 100 words. o New Hotel Contract for 2016 Change of venue?
New Business 2015 Meeting o Keynote Speaker: Dr. Lawrence Travis, University of Cincinnati o Work toward non-profit status 501(3c), which should be obtained in o Poster Presentations Tables o Web page and Social Media (Kimberly) Protocol for use Charge for advertising/job announcements (Vicky) o MCJA listserv Rules and procedures
New Business 2015 Meeting o Student Social (Jennifer) Karaoke & Kegs? o Perhaps sponsored by Routledge? o Ice Cream Social o Thomas Castellano MCJA Service Award (nominations?) o Consider re-establishing the MCJA Newsletter (Vicky) o Other Items?
Graduate & Undergraduate Student Paper Competition Please encourage your students to submit papers for 2015.