1/30/071 Records and Technology Division SEARCH and Records Bureau Survey Results Dedication, Pride, Service
1/30/072 The National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics, SEARCH Statewide Electronic Automated Retrieval of Criminal History (SEARCH) A non profit organization established in 1969 Primary objective is to identify and help solve information management problems of state and local justice agencies confronted with needing to exchange information with other justice agencies Governed by a Membership Group comprised of one gubernatorial appointee from each of the 50 states, 3 territories and 8 individuals selected by the SEARCH’s chair Based out of Sacramento, California Funding provided by annual fees and grants. 2 Dedication, Pride, Service
1/30/073 SEARCH Criminal and Civil Fingerprint Based Background Checks Survey Results Total Criminal and Civil Background Checks Performed: 15,902,638 –Nevada Criminal and Civil Background Checks Performed: 237,950 –Nevada’s Percentage of Criminal and Civil Background Checks: 1.5% Top 5 Total Criminal and Civil History Checks per 100 Population –1) Nebraska38 per 100* –2) New Hampshire12 per 100** –3) Florida12 per 100 –4) Nevada10 per 100 –5) Idaho9 per 100 Average National Criminal and Non-Criminal History Checks: 6 per 100 Population * This is an outlier, or an error in data entry ** Labeled as 2006 total, additional data not available at this time 3 Dedication, Pride, Service
1/30/074 SEARCH Civil Fingerprint Based Background Checks Survey Results Total Civil Background Checks Performed: 6,639,441 –Nevada Civil Background Checks Performed: 163,681 –Nevada’s Percentage of Civil Background Checks: 2.5% Top 5 Total Civil History Checks per 100 Population –1) Nevada7 per 100 –2) Florida6 per 100 –3) California5 per 100 –4) Arizona4 per 100 –5) Idaho4 per 100 Average National Civil History Checks: 2 per 100 Population 4 Dedication, Pride, Service
1/30/075 SEARCH Criminal Fingerprint Based Background Checks Survey Results Total Criminal Background Checks Performed: 9,101,485 –Nevada Criminal Background Checks Performed: 74,269 –Nevada’s Percentage of Criminal Background Checks: 1 % Top 5 Total Criminal History Checks per 100 Population –1) Nebraska37 per 100* –2) Florida 6 per 100 –3) Illinois 6 per 100 –4) Georgia 6 per 100 –5) Colorado 6 per 100 Nevada was ranked 28 at 3 per 100 Average National Criminal History Checks: 4 per 100 Population * This is an outlier, or an error in data entry 5 Dedication, Pride, Service
1/30/076 SEARCH Results and the Future No noticeable change in first half 2007 for civil cards processed, less than a percent Initial Reports show an increased of 29% processed for first half 2007 for criminal checks compared to first half 2006 All other things equal Nevada will remain close to the top for cards processed 6 Dedication, Pride, Service
1/30/077 Records Bureau Survey Conducted between April and May for the following units: –Brady –Fingerprint –Program Development and Compliance (PD&C) Civil Name Check Program within PD&C –Sex Offender Registry –Uniform Crime Reporting The first five statements are the same for each unit: –The bureau’s hours are convenient –The staff is knowledgeable –The staff is professional –The quality of service is acceptable –The response time to questions is reasonable Answers ranged from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree) 7 Dedication, Pride, Service
1/30/078 Records Bureau Survey Question 1 The Bureau’s Hours Are Convenient. The average response was a 3.9 The Percentage breakdown was: –Strongly Disagree1% –Disagree5% –Neutral16% –Agree64% –Strongly Agree14% The Individual Units Scored: –Brady3.7 –Civil Name Check4.1 –Fingerprint:3.7 –Program Development & Compliance3.9 –Uniform Crime Reporting4.0 Dedication, Pride, Service 8
1/30/079 Records Bureau Survey Question 2 The Staff Is Knowledgeable The average response was a 4.2 The Percentage breakdown was: –Strongly Disagree1% –Disagree1% –Neutral10% –Agree56% –Strongly Agree32% The Individual Units Scored: –Brady4.2 –Civil Name Check4.4 –Fingerprint:3.8 –Program Development & Compliance4.3 –Uniform Crime Reporting4.5 Dedication, Pride, Service 9
1/30/0710 Records Bureau Survey Question 3 The Staff Is Professional The average response was a 4.3 The Percentage breakdown was: –Strongly Disagree1% –Disagree0% –Neutral6% –Agree55% –Strongly Agree38% The Individual Units Scored: –Brady4.4 –Civil Name Check4.4 –Fingerprint:3.9 –Program Development & Compliance4.4 –Uniform Crime Reporting4.5 Dedication, Pride, Service 10
1/30/0711 Records Bureau Survey Question 4 The Quality Of Service Is Acceptable The average response was a 4.0 The Percentage breakdown was: –Strongly Disagree2% –Disagree3% –Neutral10% –Agree59% –Strongly Agree26% The Individual Units Scored: –Brady4.1 –Civil Name Check4.1 –Fingerprint:3.8 –Program Development & Compliance4.1 –Uniform Crime Reporting4.3 Dedication, Pride, Service 11
1/30/0712 Records Bureau Survey Question 5 The Response Time Is Reasonable The average response was a 3.8 The Percentage breakdown was: –Strongly Disagree4% –Disagree7% –Neutral14% –Agree52% –Strongly Agree23% The Individual Units Scored: –Brady3.1 –Civil Name Check4.5 –Fingerprint:3.8 –Program Development & Compliance4.1 –Uniform Crime Reporting4.1 Dedication, Pride, Service 12
1/30/0713 Records Bureau Sex Offender Registry Survey Results Respondents all came from the Records or NV Sex Offender search website. –Less than a dozen respondents None answered all the statements Comments however were left that showed the following: –Site needs to be easier to navigate –Search method for finding offenders needs to be improved –More mapping options for showing offenders work/home locations 13 Dedication, Pride, Service
1/30/0714 Records Bureau Survey Closing Comments Overall very positive However, improvements can be made in: –Further automation of processes for all units –Faster response time –Quicker resolution of billing issues –More reliable computer systems, i.e. no downtime –Easier navigation of the Sex Offender website 14 Dedication, Pride, Service