YOU TASK: READ ALL THE DOCUMENTS IN THE STATION. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS USE YOUR GROUP STICKY NOTES TO ADD TO THE POSTER AT THAT STATION HOMEWORK- COMPLETE THE SHEET(S) FOR YOUR STATION. 2/5 Put the two new packets into your Table of Contents. Have out your Plessy v. Ferguson Homework Learning target- Explain the symbiotic Relationship between industrialization, big business, labor, immigration, cities and the west.
Let’s learn more, beyond the readings. Now lets go back to our station reading. Station A- Rise of Big Business- John D. Rockefeller-Men Who Built, America JP MorganJohn D. Rockefeller-Men Who Built, America JP Morgan Station B- Effects of Industrialization-Homestead Strike, UrbanizationHomestead StrikeUrbanization Station C- Immigration- Immigration in Industrial AmericaImmigration in Industrial America Station D-Transcontinental Railroad, William Jennings Bryan-Populist PartyTranscontinental RailroadWilliam Jennings Bryan-Populist Party Station E-Cornelius Vanderbilt- Men Who Built AmericaCornelius Vanderbilt- Men Who Built America
#1- Complete your Graphic Organizer #2-Grade Your own DBQ Essay (25pts.) In one highlighter color, box your INTRO (5 pts.) and CONCLUSION(5pts.) In another, highlight all the use of the VOCAB (5pts.) from the KIM CHART In another, highlight the use of the DOCUMENTS (5pts.) should have at least 3. In another, highlight the ANALYSIS (explanation/why is this information important?)(5pts.).
Learning target- Explain the symbiotic Relationship between industrialization, big business, labor, immigration, cities and the west. Your task: Read All the Documents In the Station. Answer the questions NO PRONOUNS- We see any they, he, she, it, them, YOU get a ZERO on that question. Use Your group Sticky Notes to add to the Poster at that station, initial the note you added. Homework- complete the sheet(s) for ALL stations by Friday.