Imagine a world without TREES
Imagine a world without the SUN
Imagine a world without TRANSPORTATION
Now, imagine a Solar Power Plant site without a 3 PL..
Key Words Logistics Services Integrated Customized IntroductionChallenges in ProjectWhat is DIESLWhy US? 3 PL services Definition : “A firm [that] provides multiple logistics services for use by customers. Preferably, these services are integrated, or bundled together, by the provider. Among the services 3PLs provide are transportation, warehousing, cross-docking, inventory management, packaging, and freight forwarding."
Geographical Challenges (remote locations) Social Challenges (villagers, local bullies) Scarcity and Unavailability of Material Handling Equipment Coordination with Multiple Vendors Scarcity of unskilled and skilled Manpower Commissioning Date (backed with huge penalties) IntroductionChallenges in ProjectWhat is DIESLWhy US? 3 PL services
The various International Logistics Solutions that a 3PL can provide- Ocean Freight Air Freight Ship and Air Chartering ODC Cargo Customs Clearance IntroductionChallenges in ProjectWhat is DIESLWhy US? 3 PL services
Distribution Services - Transportation of Containerized Cargo Inland Transportation Multimodal Solution Projects & Over Dimensional Cargo Milk- Run Pick- ups and Consolidation Project Returns (Reverse Logistics) Courier Movements Hand Deliveries Escort Services IntroductionChallenges in ProjectWhat is DIESLWhy US? 3 PL services
This includes various type of services like - Warehousing Close to Site Inventory Management On-Site Open Yard Management On-Site Temporary Sheds Re-Packaging IntroductionChallenges in ProjectWhat is DIESLWhy US? 3 PL services
The MHEs that 3PLoperate are as mentioned below: Rough Terrain Cranes Crawler Cranes Tele-handlers Hydra Excavators Forklifts Tractor Trolleys IntroductionChallenges in ProjectWhat is DIESLWhy US? 3 PL services
The various site related services which 3PL provide are : - Providing Skilled/Unskilled/Semi-skilled Labor Loaders/Un-loaders and Supervisors Managing Transportation within project site Providing security guards Providing tents IntroductionChallenges in ProjectWhat is DIESLWhy US? 3 PL services
Portable Cabin offices Fabricated bunk houses 20Ft./40Ft. Containers on Lease Escort Services for shipments Diesel Solutions Civil constructions Some of the Value Added Services like- IntroductionChallenges in ProjectWhat is DIESLWhy US? 3 PL services
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
A journey of over 140 years started in 1868 By Jamshedji Nusserwanji Tata A tradition of Trust and Principles That puts People before Profits IntroductionChallenges in ProjectWhat is DIESLWhy US? 3 PL services
DIESL is India’sLeading Integrated Supply Chain Solution Provider With over 165 Warehouses across India, And network connecting 7000 Towns in India Including a NESA Presence covering over 85% of country’s districts. Revenue of $ 250 million and over 4000 employees striving towards increasing the numbers. Now brings to the logistics industry the same level of trust that has won – over 1 billion people IntroductionChallenges in ProjectWhat is DIESLWhy US? 3 PL services
Legend Golden Quadrilateral North-south corridor East-West corridor NESA Presence IntroductionChallenges in ProjectWhat is DIESLWhy US? 3 PL services
DIESL employs various capacities of MHEs starting from 15MT to 150MT & above, including rare MHEs, allowing for immense movement flexibility for any shape and size of solar product MHEs DIESL has vast experience in managing sites for 5 to 50 MW projects Site Management DIESL’s flagship product ‘CONNECT’ engages different modes of transportation to deliver at the remotest locations in India. Distribution DIESL enables organizations with global logistical requirements to optimize their supply chain and maintain service levels. We specialize in custom clearance for projects logistics. International Logistics Solutions DIESL goes beyond the standard horizons of a logistics organization and offers services that add value to project activities. VAS We are India’s largest warehousing providers with 180 strategically located warehouses covering over 5.5 million square feet of area Warehousing IntroductionChallenges in ProjectWhat is DIESLWhy US? 3 PL services
Unmatched geographical coverage Expertise in managing Integrated logistics. Supplier of every possible Heavy MHE Strong base of widely experienced technical experts on project logistics Strong base of experienced vendors “ONE STOP SHOP” for all your logistics need IntroductionChallenges in ProjectWhat is DIESLWhy US? 3 PL services
IntroductionChallenges in ProjectWhat is DIESLWhy US? 3 PL services
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