EPSCoR RII Track-1 Reporting Templates 1 NSF EPSCoR PD/PA Meeting May 22, 2012 Liz Lawrence NSF EPSCoR
Provide tangible evidence of project success Systematically capture scientific advances Track and analyze outcome data over time 2 Metrics: Indicators of Progress
FY 2011 Patents – 22 awarded, 23 pending Publications – Primary RII support = 153 – Partial RII support = 362 K-12 Outreach – Teachers trained = 4,340 – Students reached directly = 46,538 – Students reached via teacher training = 75,454
Congressional Inquiries National Science Board and NSF Reports External Evaluations EPSCoR Community 4 Reporting: Indicators of Progress
A. Salary Support B. Participants C. Collaborations D. External Engagement E. Outputs F. Expenditures G. Cost Sharing H. Leveraged Support Track-1 Reporting Templates I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.
Corresponding data should match up Totals should add up, except when they don’t? If something is unreported, put N/A instead of 0 6 Analysis: The Importance of Accuracy
Total Published Publications for Current Reporting Period Primary RII Support2 Partial RII Support8 Total Publications10 Corresponding data should match up
B.PARTICIPANTS Enter number of participants for the current reporting period Institution or RII TotalsCategory Total individuals in category MaleFemale Blacks or African Americans Hispanics Other Ethnic Persons with Disabilities New Investigators* RII total Faculty participants (or equivalent) Technical support staff Non-technical support Post docs Graduate students Undergraduates RII Leadership Team Advisory Board(s) *New investigators are those at the faculty, junior faculty, and post doc level who are new to the RII project during the reporting period. Notes: (1) Include the number of all participants, paid or unpaid, involved in activities funded by the project. Participants are defined as those members of the project who contirbute to the project in an ongoing and regular basis. An example of an unfunded participant could be someone using RII funded equipment but not personally receiving RII salary support. (2) Enter the institution name in the cell to replace the italic label. Add sections as needed for the institutions engaged in the RII. (3) An institution can be a university, not-for-profit company, private company, or other entity. (3) High school students on a paid internship should be described in the narrative but not included in this table. (4) First generation college participants can be detailed in the narrative but should not be included here. (5) The "Other Ethnic" column should include ONLY Alaska Natives, Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders as defined by NSF. Other ethnic groups may be specified in the narrative but not in this table. (6) The data in this table may be based on self-reporting. The total may be higher than the sum of the constituent entries. (7) These counts MUST include all of the participants listed in Table A. Totals should add up
Other Data Issues Use “N/A” for Not Applicable instead of leaving a cell blank or reporting 0 Questions? Ask early, ask often.