PROTECTIVE SERVICES MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS The PSMS course was created by our operational management team to fill an identified skill gap in the protective services market place. Aimed at security managers, PSMS covers the whole array of risk management spheres imparting the tools to effectively plan, integrate, deliver, assess, and audit protective services plans. CLINICAL MANAGEMENT -Deals specifically with the legal and management responsibilities of running an effective comprehensive system of care, with a heavy focus on clinical governance and the drive towards clinical excellence. FIRE & RESCUE MANAGEMENT -Offers a complete strategy for managing the potential risks and active threats associated with fire safety, fire fighting as well as conventional and specialist rescue. SECURITY MANAGEMENT -Imparts the core security management principles and assessments necessary to implement risk mitigation strategies. INTELLIGENCE MANAGEMENT -Teaches the implementation of the intelligence cycle, the importance of OSINT and social media, as well as handling, vetting, and cross-referencing of sources. PROTECTIVE MANAGEMENT -Develops management strategies that assist in running effective protective service systems.
MODULE ONE (4 Days) PROTECTIVE MANAGEMENT -Principles Public Involvement Risk Management Audit Staffing & Staff Management Education & Training Effectiveness Information -Information Management Protection Corporate Presentation -Information Dissemination Reports Analysis -Emergency planning Risk Assessment Evacuation Planning Incident Planning Incident Management Crisis Management Major Incident Management Chemical Incident Management Terrorist Incident Management -Multi-Agency Interaction Law Enforcement Emergency Medical Services Health Services Fire & Rescue Military Para-Military Diplomatic Int Services Cultural Structures Local Government -Communication management Composition Internet Access Cell Phones Satellite Phones Bgan Radios Personnel and vehicle tracking Smart phone applications -Transport Planning Route selection Convoy Management Movement composition Actions On PROTECTIVE SERVICES MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Fifteen days comprehensive training for Protective Services Managers MODULE TWO (3 Days) CLINICAL MANAGEMENT -Medico-Legal Liability Vicarious Liability Regulation -Clinical Responsibility Pharmaceutical Management Scope of Practice -Threat Analysis Disease Environmental Occupational Open Access Recourses -Medical Administration Injury Classification Patient Information Clinical Audit -Elements Emergency Care Clinic Services Occupational Health -Equipment Procurement Storage Selection Monitoring Maintenance -Governance Patient and public involvement Risk Management Clinical Audit Staffing and Staff Management Education and CP/PD Clinical Effectiveness Clinical Information MODULE THREE (2 Days) FIRE & RESCUE MANAGEMENT -Structure Training Monitoring Operational Command Priorities -Science of Fire Elements Chemical Reaction Site Planning -Science of Force Mechanism of Injury Reading the Wreckage -Fire Safety Risk Assessment Equipment Servicing Reporting Responsicibility Education -Rescue Principles Timeframes A-Planning B-Planning Height Confined Spaces Water Chemical Fire -Extrication Principles Space Creation Equipment MODULE FOUR(3 Days) SECURITY MANAGEMENT -Assessment Residential Security Survey Commercial Security Survey Operational (Site) Security Survey -Threat Levels Personal/Nationality Specific Company Specific General Situation -Fraud Risk Management Fraud typology Schemes Asset Misappropriation :Cash Receipts :Fraudulent dispersments :Inventory and other assets Bribery and corruption Intellectual property Cheque and credit card fraud Computer and internet fraud Time Theft Fraud Prevention & Deterrents -Physical Security Access Control Perimeter Biological Technological -IT Security Key Scrambling Networking MODULE FIVE (3 Days) INTELLIGENCE MANAGEMENT -Threat Identification Geo-Political Open Source -Intelligence Categories Tactical Int Corporate Int Geo-political Int -Source Development (Covert Human Int Source) Source Psychological Evaluation Source Handling -Open Source Intelligence Interpreting Printed Media Social Media Intelligence Public Feeling Market Place Social Venues -Geo-spatial Intelligence Google Earth Access to Geo-int databases Printed Mapping GPS selection