Cutting to the Core It’s the How…..
Reading is a process in which information from the text and the knowledge possessed by the reader act together to produce meaning. Anderson, R.C., Hiebert, E.H., Scott, J.A., & Wilkinson, L.A.G. (1985). Becoming a nation of readers: The report of the Commission on Reading. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois. Metametrix presentation for The Lexile Framework ® for Reading Presented by:Arlene Westphal, Education Program Specialist, ADE K-12 Literacy, School Effectiveness Division Adapted from the MetaMetrics Overview and Uses PowerPoint and Prerecorded Training on the ADE Lexile web site. Retrieved on 8/6/2013 from
Appendix A- CCSS ELA & Sc., SS.
HS Lit CTE Text HS Text MilitaryPersonal Use Entry Level Occ. College Text Lexile Framework ® for Reading Study Summary of Text Lexile Measures Text Lexile Measure (L)
Text Demand Level by Grade Lexile researchers analyzed representative grade level texts to determine the text demands for different grade levels. Students’ Lexile measures can help predict how well they will be able to comprehend the texts they will face. Grade in School Typical Text Demand (from Lexile Research & Map) 7th Grade950L to 1075L 8th Grade1000L to 1100L 9th Grade1050L to 1150L 10th Grade1100L to 1200L 11th and 12th Grade1100L to 1300L Beyond High School Average Text Demand (from Lexile Research) Military (training/field manuals) 1180L Citizenship (newspapers, voting, jury) 1230L Workplace (workplace study materials) 1260L Postsecondary - first two yrs (textbooks) 1355L Metametrix presentation for The Lexile Framework ® for Reading Presented by:Arlene Westphal, Education Program Specialist, ADE K-12 Literacy, School Effectiveness Division Adapted from the MetaMetrics Overview and Uses PowerPoint and Prerecorded Training on the ADE Lexile web site. Retrieved on 8/6/2013 from
Newspapers Reuters1440L NY Times 1380L Washington Post 1350L Wall Street Journal 1320L Chicago Tribune 1310L Associated Press 1310L USA Today 1200L Metametrix presentation for The Lexile Framework ® for Reading Presented by:Arlene Westphal, Education Program Specialist, ADE K-12 Literacy, School Effectiveness Division Adapted from the MetaMetrics Overview and Uses PowerPoint and Prerecorded Training on the ADE Lexile web site. Retrieved on 8/6/2013 from
Lexile Analysis of Occupational Reading Materials Career ClusterOccupation (Entry Level) Reading MaterialLexile Measure Agriculture & Natural Resources Ag Business Assistant Best Management Practices – Livestock & Poultry Operations 1510 Architecture & Construction CarpenterPersonal Protective Equipment Manual 1060 Arts, Audiovisual Technology & Communications Printing/Graphics Technologist Publishing with PhotoShop 1430 Metametrix presentation for The Lexile Framework ® for Reading Presented by:Arlene Westphal, Education Program Specialist, ADE K-12 Literacy, School Effectiveness Division Adapted from the MetaMetrics Overview and Uses PowerPoint and Prerecorded Training on the ADE Lexile web site. Retrieved on 8/6/2013 from
Career ClusterOccupation (Entry Level) Reading MaterialLexile Measure Hospitality & Tourism New hotel employee Hilton Hotels – New Employee Packet 1330 Law & Public Safety Police OfficerEmergency Response to Terrorism 1260 Retail/Wholesale Sales & Service Sales AssociateDress Barn – Associate Handbook 1270 Scientific Research/ Engineering Structural Engineering Technician Penn. Code training consortium 1130 Metametrix presentation for The Lexile Framework ® for Reading Presented by:Arlene Westphal, Education Program Specialist, ADE K-12 Literacy, School Effectiveness Division Adapted from the MetaMetrics Overview and Uses PowerPoint and Prerecorded Training on the ADE Lexile web site. Retrieved on 8/6/2013 from
Career ClusterOccupation (Entry Level) Reading MaterialLexile Measure Business & Administration General Office Staff Job Responsibilities – Medical Office Asst Education and Training Assistant Teacher Head Start Staff Handbook 1370 Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Automotive Technician Nissan Product Knowledge Reference Guides 1270 Health ScienceEmergency Medical Technician EMS Safety Techniques and Applications 1170 Metametrix presentation for The Lexile Framework ® for Reading Presented by:Arlene Westphal, Education Program Specialist, ADE K-12 Literacy, School Effectiveness Division Adapted from the MetaMetrics Overview and Uses PowerPoint and Prerecorded Training on the ADE Lexile web site. Retrieved on 8/6/2013 from
Notice and Note Highlight Underline numbers Note (annotate) Why is that term, work or sentence important… Why is that number important… What questions do you have…
Plan for increasing Reading and Writing in your class Plan for building capacity for more complex text. Lower lexile, age level, above How do we know the level?
Webb, Norman L. and others. “Web Alignment Tool” 24 July Wisconsin Center of Educational Research. University of Wisconsin- Madison. 2 Feb
GIVE AND GET Independently and without comment Write three activities you could plan in level two Remember to consider the questions
Working with your team Meeting 1: – Meet with administrator – Review course expectations to support school mission – Impact and expectations of CCSS on courses – Review website for support Meeting 2: – Work with Dept. Leader – Complete Curriculum Map topic section and essential questions for 1 st 9 weeks. – Complete Common Lesson Plan for first 6 -7days 2 non-fiction articles Common test or diagnostic test
PARCC students take EOC assessments for Math - hybrid test Algebra I and Geometry will take PARCC
What do I need to consider when Planning lessons Common Core State Standards Louisiana Scope & Sequence College Readiness Standards (ACT) Essential Questions Foundational Concepts m/resources/cla ssroom-support- toolbox/teacher -support- toolbox/unit- assessment- planning- resources