On August 20, 2007 NOAA officially recognized the island of Saipan, as a Storm Ready/Tsunami Ready community. National Weather Service Storm Ready/Tsunami.


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Presentation transcript:

On August 20, 2007 NOAA officially recognized the island of Saipan, as a Storm Ready/Tsunami Ready community. National Weather Service Storm Ready/Tsunami Ready Program A year later, Tinian conducted their recognition ceremony and on March 2009 the island of Rota was recognized as well.

A total of about 100 signs were purchased, which includes Tsunami Evacuation Route signs, Directional arrows and Assembly Area signs. START UP NOAA provided $8,000 in funds for the recognition ceremonies. The left over funding was utilized to purchase Tsunami Evacuation signs. The project started up on the island of Saipan first, signs have been posted on the Southern part of the island. Signage for the Central to Northern part of the island is ongoing. The posting of signs for the other islands, will start with Rota first and then Tinian. The project sequence is based on the most populated island first. EMO and The Storm/Ready and Tsunami/Ready Advisory Board has still to obtain additional signage for Tsunami Evacuation/Staging Sites, Tsunami Evacuation Routes, Tsunami Hazard Areas and corresponding interpretive signs to cater to other demographics in the CNMI.

The Public School System (PSS) in conjunction with the Emergency Management Office, (EMO) conducted the first ever Tsunami Evacuation Drill for William S. Reyes (WSR) Elementary school on Saipan. The evacuation assembly area for this school is located 30 minutes away. The CNMI anticipates conducting more Tsunami Evacuation and Earthquake Drills during FY2010 with funds from NTHMP as well as EMPG grant funds, pending approval from FEMA. Some challenges anticipated with this project activity include logistical support and smooth coordination with other response agencies and the schools in Saipan, Tinian, and Rota and other community organizations that will be involved.

The CNMI received $59, in NTHMP funds for FY Project Activity Inter-Island Outreach activities, conferences and workshops Funding Amount $10,000 Acquire Professional Services for Tsunami Wave Modeling, Tsunami Evacuation Mapping and Tsunami Vulnerability Study for the CNMI $30,000 Equipment$4,000 Operational Supplies$1, Other$6,000 Indirect Cost$7,754

Fiscal Year 2009 NTHMP Grant Funds The CNMI was awarded $388, in NTHMP funds for FY 2009.

Design and Development of the CNMI Brochure (collaborate with Guam) 1. Promote Tsunami Awareness through Public Outreach & Education. Total: $47,500 Project ActivityFunding Amount Fiscal Year 2009 NTHMP Grant Funds Translation of CNMI Tsunami Brochure into Chamorro, Carolinan, Korean, Japanese, Tagalog and Chinese. Develop Media Tool Kits for Tsunami Events and Preparation Development of maps displaying the CNMI evacuation routes and then print and dissemination Provide outreach materials for K-12 graders.

Fiscal Year 2009 NTHMP Grant Funds Project ActivityFunding Amount Tsunami Inundation Modeling and Mapping 3. Increase Preparedness and Response Capabilities for all CNMI Governmental & Non-Governmental Stakeholders Total: $70,000 Update and Distribute evacuation maps with inundation data included. Providing online access on the EMO Website. Project ActivityFunding Amount 2. CNMI Tsunami Vulnerability StudyTotal: $130,000 Conduct Tsunami Awareness workshops Conduct Tsunami Table-Top Exercises

Fiscal Year 2009 NTHMP Grant Funds Purchase and Disseminate Vehicle Alert Sirens for CNMI EMO, the Saipan Mayor’s Office and the Tinian Mayor’s Office. Project ActivityFunding Amount 4. Tsunami Siren Warning SystemTotal: $30,000

Accomplishments & Activities In Progress Tsunami Evacuation Signage Search and Scouting for a prospective consultant for Inundation Mapping and Tsunami Wave Modeling Project. Printing/ Dissemination of various Tsunami public outreach materials acquired from NOAA or various online resources EMO works hard to get up to PAR with NTHMP reporting and getting familiar with the projects applied for in FY08/09 grant applications. Due to turn over in staff, this was quite a task! Communicated with prospective printing companies about developing a cultural tone Tsunami brochure, coloring book, translating of materials into different languages. THANK YOU JENIFER RHOADES!!! Initial planning for FY 2010 Tsunami Evacuation and Earthquake drills for CNMI schools and any interested community organizations. Initial planning/preparations for FY 2010, Sept. Disaster Preparedness Month