1 Activity (Marking SBA) Module D: Vital Campus Candidates are required to develop web pages that can be read by users with a common personal computer system. The web pages are designed for a campaign promoting healthy exercises that can be carried out by teachers and students as a part of daily school activities.
2 Activity (Marking SBA) The web pages must: Provide related background information and the benefits of the proposed exercises Contain at least 5 pages Contain multimedia information with user- friendly access mechanisms, such as hyperlinks Contain features for attracting more visitors
3 Discussion Individual Marking Pair up to discuss your marking and compromise the marking Group Discussion
4 Questions for Discussion 1. Overlook the marks in your group. Are they closed/vary? Why? 2. What are the limitations that you encounter in marking? 3. Are there any measures/preparation work that can facilitate the marking?
5 Marking Coursework/Project 1. Preparation work 2. Communication w/ students & colleagues 3. Marking
6 Preparation work Understand C&A guide and EDB docs thoroughly Read SBA teacher handbook/guide Understand assessment criteria
7 Communication Colleagues Discuss the teaching schedule (including the progress of SBA) Unify the assessment criteria Discuss the marking process Students Inform the SBA schedule Explain the assessment criteria
8 Marking Quality assurance E.g. Cross check with colleagues Give feedback to students before/after marking Transparent the marking process Do students understand the criteria? Can students appeal the results?