Participant Tool Kit The Great California ShakeOut is the California statewide drop, cover and hold on drill planned for 10/20 at 10:20am.
Frequently Asked Questions What is ShakeOut? ShakeOut? ShakeOut is a Statewide earthquake drill scheduled for October 20, 2011 at 10:21 a.m. Why Participate? Why Participate? Who can Participate? Participate? Participating in ShakeOut will give you a greater understanding of what to do the next time an earthquake occurs. Everyone! Anyone in California can participate, from individuals to major companies. I want to sign up, what do I do? I want to sign up, what do I do? Register yourself or your agency at www. then click on the next slide.www. San Francisco ShakeOut 2011
Register at Become a Department of Emergency Management Facebook fan: Follow the Department of Emergency Management on Twitter: Download and print a participation poster at Promote drill to staff, colleagues, and family members Use Twitter and Facebook during your drill (post pictures and status updates) Complete the participant survey at Learn more about emergency preparedness at Take the Participant Checklist Register at
Business and hotel Individual and family School: pre-k, elementary, high school, secondary Organizations: non-profit, faith-based organizations Medical facilities Step 1: Pick Your Group San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 Skip to pick a drill slide
How to ShakeOut: Businesses and Hotels San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 General Earthquake Tools Earthquake InsuranceEarthquake Monitoring Business Preparedness Tips Business Continuity Plan TemplatesSecure Your Building ShakeOut Business Basics Sample Drill ScriptsInformational Flyer Go to pick a drill slideFor additional resources for businesses visit
How to ShakeOut: Schools (Pre-K, Elementary, High school and Secondary) San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 Information for Students Take Home InformationInformational Flyer Earthquake Preparedness Tips Evaluation ToolEducational Resources ShakeOut Planning Tips Sample Drill ScriptsDrill Templates Go to pick a drill slideFor additional resources for schools visit
How to ShakeOut: Organizations (Non-Profits, Faith-Based Organizations, etc.) San Francisco ShakeOut 2010 Go to pick a drill slideFor additional resources for non-profits and faith-based organizations visit: General Earthquake Tools Earthquake InsuranceEarthquake Monitoring Preparedness Tips San Francisco CARD ResourcesEmergency Plan Templates ShakeOut Organization Basics Sample Drill ScriptsInformational Flyer
How to ShakeOut: Medical Facilities San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 Go to pick a drill slide General Earthquake Tools Earthquake InsuranceEarthquake Monitoring Preparedness Tips Business Continuity Plan TemplatesEmergency Plan Templates ShakeOut Hospitals, Clinics, and Senior Center Basics Sample Drill ScriptsInformational Flyer For additional resources for hospitals, clinics, and senior centers visit:
How to ShakeOut: Individuals and Families San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 Go to pick a drill slideFor additional school resources visit General Earthquake Tools Earthquake InsuranceDisaster Supply Kit Preparedness Tips Earthquake Safety TipsFamily Emergency Plan ShakeOut Individual and Family Basics resourcesInformational Flyer
Step 2: Pick Your Drill Drop, Cover & Hold On Stay in Place EvacuationOther Ideas San Francisco ShakeOut 2011
Prior to the drill… Research San Francisco earthquakes Research Post information about the drill, download posters at Print Drop, Cover, and Hold On instructions for all participantsPrint Drop, Cover, and Hold On instructions Day of the drill… Announce drill at 10:21 a.m. on October 21, 2010 Use sample drill broadcastsdrill broadcasts Tweet and/or Facebook about your drill experience After the drill… Fill out participant survey at Post additional information about earthquake preparedness, visit or Drop, Cover, and Hold On Drill Coordinator Checklist
Drop, Cover, and Hold On Drill San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 Drop, Cover, and Hold On Drill Instructions “Drop, cover and Hold On.” If you are not near a strong table or desk, drop to the floor against an interior wall and cover your head and neck with your arms. Avoid windows, hanging objects, mirrors, tall furniture, large appliances and cabinets filled with heavy objects. In high-rise buildings, be aware that the fire alarms and/or sprinklers may activate. If you use a wheelchair, lock the wheels and cover your head. Source: Slide
San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 Other Drill ideas and Additional Resources Review Emergency kit checklistEmergency kit checklist Review Financial recovery checklistFinancial recovery checklist Update/review your continuity of operations plans (COOP)continuity of operations plans Develop an emergency planemergency plan Write a family communication planfamily communication plan Take a first aid and CPR classfirst aid and CPR class Join a Neighborhood Emergency Response Team (NERT)Neighborhood Emergency Response Team Test your earthquake response, take the QuakeQuizSFQuakeQuizSF Back to pick a drill slideSkip to the end
San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 Prior to the drill… Research earthquakes and their affects on San FranciscoResearch earthquakes and their affects on San Francisco Post information about the drill, download posters at Stay-in-place instructions for all participantsStay-in-place instructions Day of the drill… Announce drill at 10:21 a.m. on October 21, 2010 Use sample drill broadcasts.drill broadcasts Tweet and/or Facebook about your drill experience After the drill… Fill out participant survey at Post additional information about earthquake preparedness, visit or Stay-in-Place (SIP) Drill Coordinator Checklist Next Slide
San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 Stay In Place (SIP) Instructions Skip to the endAdditional resources slide List/draw possible stay in place locations here Stay in Place: Immediately following a large-scale earthquake, the amount of damage to the area will be unknown. It is important to locate areas thought out your home, business, or hospital that might be good locations to stay in place until you have a sense of the damage to your surroundings. Note: if you smell smoke or gas, evacuate immediately. Once the earthquake stops, check those around you for injuries, provide first aid Check for dangerous conditions, such as fires, downed power lines, etc. Avoid broken glass Use caution around spilled hazardous materials, such as bleach, lye, paint, etc. SIP Checklist
San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 Prior to the drill… Research earthquakes and their affects on San FranciscoResearch earthquakes and their affects on San Francisco Post information about the drill, download posters at Evacuation instructions for all participants Evacuation instructions Day of the drill… Announce drill at 10:21 a.m. on October 21, Use sample drill broadcastsdrill broadcasts Tweet and/or Facebook about your drill experience After the drill… Fill out participant survey at Post additional information about earthquake preparedness, visit or Evacuation Coordinator Checklist Next Slide
San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 Insert Your Evacuation Map Here General Evacuation Guidelines Know where the emergency exits are Know where your relocation area is Wear sturdy shores Lock doors, cabinets, computers, etc. Bring car keys, wallet, mobile phone, etc. Bring emergency “go kit” Evacuation Instructions Skip to the endAdditional resources slide Evacuation: Immediately following a large-scale earthquake, the amount of damage to the area will be unknown. It is important to remember that it is usually safer to stay where you are instead of evacuating. Note: if you smell smoke or gas, evacuate immediately.
San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 Flashlight w/extra batteries 72 hours supply of food and water-minimum First aid supplies Non-electric can opener Personal hygiene items Sturdy walking shoes Extra pair of eye glasses Scissors Plastic sheeting Cash Hat and gloves Compass Anti-microbial hand wipes Unscented liquid chlorine Other_____________________ Suggested Disaster Supply List Battery-powered radio Change of clothing Mylar blanket Plates, cups, and utensils Medications Extra pet supplies Plastic garbage bags and ties Whistle Flares Duct tape Pens/pencils Copies of important documents Rain gear Wrench or all-in-one tool Camping supplies Keys Emergency Kit location:________________________________ Back to resource slide
San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 Birth certificates Marriage license/divorce papers/child custody papers Passports and driver’s licenses Social Security Cards Naturalization papers and residency documents Military/veteran status papers Medical information Cash Stocks, bonds, and other investment certificates Credit card numbers A phone list of creditors and important contacts Insurance policies Household inventory Appraisals of valuable jewelry, art, etc. Home improvement records Critical computer files Deeds, titles, and other ownership records Powers of Attorney Wills or trust documents Suggested Financial Recovery Kit Back to resource slide
San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 Click map to see a graphic representation of a 6.8 Hayward Fault earthquake on San Francisco. Source:
San Francisco ShakeOut 2011 Thank you for participating in Shake Out 2010! Be sure to join us next year. Back to the beginning Back to pick a drill slide