College Week Live NCAA Nontraditional Core Courses Christa Palmer Nick Sproull April 9, 2015
page 3 Game Plan –What is the NCAA? –Initial-Eligibility Requirements –Eligibility Center Process –Nontraditional Core Course Rules –Nontraditional Core Course Review Process
page 6 Probability of going pro
page 7 NCAA Eligibility Center Process –What is “initial-eligibility?” Requirements necessary in order to: –Practice –Compete –Receive athletically-related financial aid First year at a Division I or II campus Subsequent academic eligibility based on progress toward degree requirements –Students may lose/gain eligibility in each term
page 8 NCAA Eligibility Center Process –Elements of determining initial-eligibility Graduation from high school Minimum number of core courses Minimum grade-point average in those core courses Minimum SAT or ACT test score
page 9 NCAA Eligibility Center Process –Division I Academic Index
page 10 NCAA Eligibility Center Process –Determining initial-eligibility Division II –Minimum core-course GPA –820 SAT or 68 sum score ACT –“Partial qualifier” Division III –No specific NCAA legislation
page 11 NCAA Eligibility Center Process –Role of the high school Updated list of core courses Transcripts –New direct upload feature Fee waiver requests
page 12 NCAA Eligibility Center Process –“Core” courses English, math, science, social science, and foreign language At or above regular academic level Four-year college preparatory Qualified instructor
Landscape K-12 Online Learning
Environmental Factors Improved technologies + Market forces + Budget cuts + Federal and state policies = Growth rate of 30% annually
page 18 Nontraditional Courses –Prior to 2000 Nontraditional courses prohibited – Certain nontraditional cores allowed Transition from Clearinghouse to Eligibility Center Growth in digital learning (online, software-based, etc.)
page 25 Nontraditional Courses –2010 to present Legislation amended and adopted by Division I in 2010 –Adopted by Division II in 2011 –New requirements Must be “core” Defined timeframe for completion Ongoing and regular access and interaction between students and instructors throughout the duration of the course for the purposes of teaching, evaluating, and providing assistance.
page 26 Nontraditional Courses –What it’s NOT Timeframe –Students will receive a grade after a minimum of 8 weeks, but may progress at their own pace. Role of the instructor –An NCLB certified instructor is available by phone, or skype and holds regular office hours. –The role of the instructor is to monitor progress, answer questions, and proctor assessments and exams.
page 27 Nontraditional Courses –For the purposes of teaching, evaluating, and providing assistance? “I have reset your password. Please check your .”
page 28 Nontraditional Courses –For the purposes of teaching, evaluating, and providing assistance? “I have reset your password. Please check your .” “Your analysis of the hero’s journey started off well, but I could tell you got in a hurry by the end. Please re-write your concluding paragraph and support it with examples from the text.”
page 29 Nontraditional Courses –For the purposes of teaching, evaluating, and providing assistance? “I have reset your password. Please check your .” “Your analysis of the hero’s journey started off well, but I could tell you got in a hurry by the end. Please re-write your concluding paragraph and support it with examples from the text.” “Great work!”
page 30 Nontraditional Courses –For the purposes of teaching, evaluating, and providing assistance? “I have reset your password. Please check your .” “Your analysis of the hero’s journey started off well, but I could tell you got in a hurry by the end. Please re-write your concluding paragraph and support it with examples from the text.” “Great work!” “Remember, all linear pairs have supplementary angles, but not all supplementary angles form linear pairs.”
page 31 Nontraditional Courses –Review process Accountability and responsibility for the status of a course, program, or school lies with the entity responsible for instruction and assessment. Questionnaire –Questions regarding curriculum, instruction, interaction, feedback, transcript designations Possible outcomes –Approved –Extended Evaluation –Not approved
page 32 Nontraditional Courses –Avoiding speed bumps Advising prospective student-athletes Do what you say you do Clear and consistent transcript designations Credit vs. recommended credit –Post-graduate courses Beware the telephone game
page 33 Nontraditional Courses
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