Inclusive Disaster Risk Management in Pakistan Farooq Masih Inclusion/DRR Advisor Hnadicap International Pakistan
1/ Historical Experience Handicap International in Pakistan since 1992 (afghan refugees response) and more recently since 2005: EQ Emergency Response 2005 Earthquake emergency response, Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Disability-mainstreaming in DRR Inclusive Disaster Preparedness project at community level in KPK (Swat) and AJK (Muzaffarabad) ( ) Conflict and flood response / recovery (since , 2013) in KPK and Sindh WASH project in KP and Sindh CFIS project KP DVFP project KP & Sindh Contribution to Ageing & Disability Task Force (ADTF) Inclusive DRR project ( ) At present time: Inclusive CBDRM Project KP WASH project KP Development Department
2/Projects results Title: Disability and Disaster Preparedness in the Earthquake Zone of NWFP/AJK Pakistan (DRR Phase-I) September 2008 – September 2009 Results: A comprehensive contingency plan responding to potential disaster is in place that includes disabled people. Disability specific emergency resources will be pre-positioned at 4 strategic sites within the earthquake zones of NWFP and AJK and will be available for distribution by agencies involved in the relief effort. People with disabilities will be aware of the presence of disability material- resources and will be able to lobby for government action plans for inclusion / disability mainstreaming in any disaster response. NGOs/ Local Government Disaster Management Cells (DMCs) have sufficient knowledge to address disability issues in their preparedness and response activities. Disabled people and DPOs will have an enhanced ability to cope in a disaster and will be better equipped to work closely with other agents in the relief effort.
2/Projects results Title: Inclusive Preparedness to Natural Disasters in Vulnerable areas of KPK / AJK, Pakistan (DRR Phase-II) April 2011-July 2012 (16 months) Result 1: Coping mechanisms at individual, family and community levels for disaster preparedness are reinforced. Result 2: Local DPOs are involved in and trained on inclusive disaster preparedness. Result 3: Main relevant stakeholders involved in Disaster Risk Reduction are sensitized to mainstream disability in disaster preparedness.
2/Projects results Empowering Local Structures for Inclusive Community Based Disaster Preparedness (DRR Phase-III) July 2013-Dec 2014 Result-1: MTs, CSOs and Local Government Authorities have increased capacity to replicate the inclusive CBDRM approach and to establish and institutionalize DMC structures in Swat District. Result 2: Capacities of 1 UCDMC and VDMCs in consultation with Local Govt. Authorities to identify and implement preparedness and mitigation measures through inclusive DRR strategies have increased and are piloted in 1 UC and replicated in other target UCs. Result 3: Local Government, CSOs and DMCs coordinate, promote and replicate EW mechanism developed under inclusive CBDRM model. Result 4: Stakeholders (DMCs, civil society and government) at village, UC, district and provincial level coordinate their DRR strategy and develop a inclusive DRM plan for the District
2/ Good practices and tools in inclusive DRM to share Making VCA and KAP/Baseline tools inclusive Involvement of local DPOs in planning and design of the risk assessment Making DMCs inclusive Making Early warning system inclusive Inclusive CBDRM Training Manual Inclusive IEC material Participation of DPOs in identifying basic and specific needs of PWDs / VPs in community Capacity-strengthening of DPOs in inclusive disaster risk reduction disability disaggregated data collected at projects areas Technical guidelines on inclusion of vulnerable persons in DRR developed and are part of road map of PDMA-KP for 5 years NDMA gender and child cell developed protection policy guidelines for vulnerable groups through DIPECHO partner/ CSOs advocacy and inputs
3/ Main issues and difficulties in inclusive DRM to share No clear understanding on vulnerabilities and Lack of technical staff/knowledge with relevant DM authorities Clear policy guidelines and tools not available Disaggregated data not avaialble No specfic budget allocation for vulnerable persons Inclusion considered isolated from DRR initiatives (mainstreaming into development and planning) Cultural sensitivity, HIV aids groups, Transgender and sex workers have high stigma
Recommandations for inclusive DRM to share Capacity building, awareness raising, documentation and dissimination of good practices of mainstreaming vulnerable persons with DM Authorities Existing policies, frameworks, plans and budget can be revised contextualized in light of Implementation inclusion tools, checklists and guidelines Advocacy for mainstreaming vulnerable persons in development like social protection schemes and Sex, age and vulnerability disaggregated data Advocacy for budget allocation for vulnerable person into annual development plan Promotion and projection for recognition of inclusive DRM tools among NGOs/INGOs and Government stakeholders Publically availability of centralized data with relevant authorities GCC guidelines should be practiced in sectoral annual development plans
Recommandations for inclusive DRM to share - - Research-based evidence on importance of inclusion in DRR / DRM - Mainstreaming disability in DRR and promote empowerment of persons with disabilities (DPOs) in DRR - Involvement of all stakeholders including DPOs, communities, corporate sector - Sensitization of media on rights of persons with disability and their role in representing disability as per UNCRPD - Accessible, adapted IEC material promoting rights of persons with disability Involve and train community workers, PWDs and DPOs on simple, low-cost accessibility physical adaptations with local material (for inclusive safe evacuation-routes, areas)
5/Prospects for Inclusive DRM for HI in Pakistan Pakistan prone to Multi-hazards HI Pakistan will continue to work on inclusive DRM Up-coming DFID DRR Call Up-coming AusAid Call Alliance of Resilience, inclusion, social empowerment (ARISE)