FAC, 10/12/06 D. Schultz 1 Readiness for 2007 Startup Linac Injector Controls ARR David Schultz
FAC, 10/12/06 D. Schultz Installation BC1 BLM LX L1 Ins/SAB Wall Laser stopper Sector 20 Sector 21
FAC, 10/12/06 D. Schultz 3 Linac Status Next few weeks - installing L1 and LX accelerator regions (currently) Wall region components BC1 supports Insertion region installation 11/6 (week 12) Table due 10/16 BLM region installation 11/6 (week 12)
FAC, 10/12/06 D. Schultz 4 Linac Downtime Issues BPM feed-through welding, many leak. Leak at ceramic, need UHV QC before welding Late components: BC1 Instrument package BLM 11 (BLM 12 will be in) Toroids (in several locations) Vacuum chambers in insertion region. Spool pieces are being fabricated to be installed temporarily. Time will be needed to install these components as they become available.
FAC, 10/12/06 D. Schultz 5 Injector Installation Status Injector installation has taken second priority to Linac installation. Injector vault: Floor and cable plant installed Injector beamline: Accelerator structures, L0a ready, L0b in final bake RF waveguide needs to go through bake Gun is in hot test 2 nd gun is in pre-braze cold-test. Support stands are here, in the vault, ready except for the GTL table
FAC, 10/12/06 D. Schultz 6 Injector Installation Issues Water system needs to be installed, installation req. due out now BPM feed-through welding, toroids Late: The GTL stand fabrication is out for quote. Estimate it will be here 11/16 for installation 11/20. Laser table installation begins 11/27 The Gun will be ready by then, needed later. GTL is late, is in machining. Working to advance the schedule. What is competing? What can be sent out? Critical path.
FAC, 10/12/06 D. Schultz 7 Controls Magnet power supplies, vacuum controls, were installed in racks and tested. The racks now installed in the gallery. Ethernet backbone to the Computer Center installed and connected. Wire scanners controls tested. Linac cable plant phase 2 installation is underway. Coordinating hardware installation schedule with Controls checkout.
FAC, 10/12/06 D. Schultz 8 Controls - PPS Personnel Protection System is in the review process with the SLAC RSC. PLC design conditionally approved! The Committee wants to see the certification procedure. RSC review of beam loss and shielding, 9/28, approved Beam Containment System, LCLS FDR 10/6, RSC review 10/12.
FAC, 10/12/06 D. Schultz 9 Injector Accelerator Readiness Review Safety Assessment Document Draft LCLS SAD for Injector Commissioning under internal review. Operating procedures are being written with AD Ops. Commissioning LCLS Commissioning Workshop October 9-11 Includes a Commissioning Readiness Review. Accelerator Readiness Review (ARR) LCLS ARR for Injector Commissioning scheduled for October 31st. Committee members, speakers on board.
FAC, 10/12/06 D. Schultz 10 The downtime schedule is very tight. We got off to a good start. Not all parts are in hand. Injector installation will delay commissioning. Controls checkout (last) is at risk. At Risk: GTL, leading to laser alignment to virtual cathode Water system installation Readiness Issues