BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 1 MANAGEMENT A process of deciding the best way to use an organization’s resources—employees, equipment, money—to produce goods or provide services.
THE MANAGEMENT PYRAMID OF HIERARCHY Senior Management “Vision”- Establish objectives and goals Chairman of the Board, CEO, COO, Senior VP’s Middle ManagementResponsible for meeting goals set forth by senior management Sales Manager, HR Manager, Production Superintendent Supervisory ManagementManage day-to-day operations Foreman, Crew Leader, Head Nurse
BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 1 TASKS OF MANAGEMENT P PLANNING: Decide objectives and what to do to achieve them. O ORGANIZING: Group and assign activities. S STAFFING: Determine HR needs- recruiting, selecting, and training.
BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 1 TASKS OF MANAGEMENT L LEADING: Directing and channeling human behavior toward accomplishment of objectives. C CONTROLLING: Measure performance against objectives- determine cause of deviations- take corrective action.
BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 1 ROLES OF A MANAGER Interpersonal Figurehead, Relationship Builder, Leader Informational Monitor, Communicator, Spokesperson Decision-Making Entrepreneur, Disturbance Handler, Resource Director, Negotiator
BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 1 MANAGEMENT SKILLS Conceptual: Understanding the organization as a whole- how it all fits together. Human Relations: Understanding people and being able to work with them. Technical: Ability to perform mechanics of job- skill or expertise.
BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 1 O.M. ESSENTIALS THE GLASS CEILING: The level within the managerial hierarchy beyond which very few women and minorities advance. MANAGING DIVERSITY Employee population is increasingly diverse. Customer population is increasingly diverse. Retaining top talent. Minimize litigation.
BUSI 321GOLDENCHAPTER 1 O.M. ESSENTIALS ENTREPRENEUR: Conceives idea of what products to produce, starts the organization, and builds it to the point where additional people are needed. PROFESSIONAL MANAGER INTRAPRENEURSHIP SMALL BUSINESS