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Final Jeopardy Beginnings of Humanity Egypt/Mesop otamia Eastern Civilizations Greece/RomeWhat’s in a Name?
100 Answer The movement from one area to another.
100 migration
Answer 200 Human societies first began near these geographic landforms
200 River valleys
300 People who moved from place to place in search of food Answer
300 Hunter- gatherer
400 The area known as the “Fertile Crescent” lies between these two rivers Answer
400 The Tigris and Euphrates
500 In order to qualify as an advanced civilization, cities – in addition to having a large population – also needed to be this. Answer
500 Center of trade
This term refers to a line of rulers from the same family, which was very prominent in Ancient China 100 Answer
100 dynasty
200 This civilization thrived in what is now modern-day India Answer
200 Indus Valley civilization
300 The belief that god granted Chinese emperors the right to rule Answer
300 Mandate of Heaven
400 The mountain range which separates India from China Answer
400 Himalayas
500 Answer This Chinese dynasty is uniquely famous for providing history with the name we still call the country to this day
500 Qin Dynasty
100 Answer Ancient Egypt owes much of its fortune and resources to its proximity near this river
100 Nile River
200 A form of writing in Ancient Egypt Answer
200 Hieroglyphics
300 Mesopotamians believed in more than 1 god. This sort of belief is known as Answer
300 polytheism
400 Mesopotamians used these building structures as temples to honor their gods Answer
400 ziggurat
500 Answer Egyptians used these buildings to bury their fallen pharaohs
500 pyramid
100 Ancient Greece wasn’t one unified civilization. Instead, it was a collection of… Answer
100 City-States
200 This Greek city-state is considered the “birthplace” of democracy Answer
200 Athens
300 This system of government refers to rule “by the people, for the people” and it was first used in ancient Rome Answer
300 Republic
400 The civilization Alexander conquered, allowing him to rule much of the known world Answer
400 Persian Empire
500 The Peloponnesian War was fought between two sides: The Peloponnesian League, led by Sparta. And this league, led by Athens Answer
500 Delian League
100 Considered to be the “founder” of Buddhism Answer
100 Siddhartha Gautama
200 Answer The brilliant military strategist and general who led Carthage to victory against Rome
200 Hannibal
Daily DoubleDouble Daily Double
400 Roman Consul and war hero who would eventually consolidate all the power for himself and become dictator of Rome Answer
400 Julius Caesar
500 Answer One of the first written code of laws traces back to this ruler from Babylon/Mesopotamia
500 King Hammurabi
Final Jeopardy For a long time, plebeians had no representation in the Roman Republic. However, patricians in the Senate eventually recognized that the plebeians deserved to have a voice in government. The plebeians voted for and elected officials known as… Answer Final Jeopardy Music
Answer Final Jeopardy tribunes
Daily Double Alexander the Great’s personal teacher and a famous philosopher from Athens Answer
Answer Daily Double Aristotle