Ancient Civilizations 2 Ancient India Ancient China Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Odds and Ends $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000.


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Presentation transcript:

Ancient Civilizations 2 Ancient India Ancient China Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Odds and Ends $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000

This Hindu system required people to stay in the level to which they were born What is the Caste System?

This invention during the Han Dynasty is often regarded as their most important contribution What is paper?

These two tales of heroic figures and great adventures are a legacy of ancient Greek myths and epics. What are the Iliad and the Odyssey ?

He is known for unifying the Roman Empire by issuing coins that were accepted anywhere in the empire. Who is Augustus?

It is the name given to the Buddhist practice of avoiding extreme behavior. What is the Middle Way?

It is the location of the ancient Indian cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. What is the Indus River Valley?

It was built to defend against nomads on China’s northern borders. What is the Great Wall of China?

He placed great importance on participation in the political process of the city-state as noted in this quote, “We regard an individual who takes no interest in public affairs not as harmless, but as useless.” Who is Pericles?

This feature of Roman architecture soon distinguished it from other cultures. What are rounded arches?

These Buddhist teachings deal with desire and suffering. What are the Four Noble Truths?

The caste system provided stability in Indian society for this reason. What is it provided a sense of belonging and place in society?

This ancient Chinese emperor not only built walls, he also unified most of China under one government Who Shi Huangdi?

It was the primary purpose of ancient Greek myths about their gods. What is to explain events in the natural world?

This building material was developed by the Romans and helped them to build large, sturdy structures like aqueducts. What is concrete?

This geographic feature made trade easy for the ancient Greeks. What is a peninsula?

It is the Hindu belief that souls are reborn in new bodies after death What is reincarnation?

His ideas were thought to restore order in China Who is Confucius?

In 480 BC, these two city-states led the independent Greek city-states into battle with the Persians. Who are Athens and Sparta?

This emperor’s seizure of power marked the transition of Rome from a republic to an empire. Who is Julius Caesar?

It was the form of democracy practiced in ancient Greece. What is Direct Democracy?

This religion was started by Siddhartha Gautama What is Buddhism?

Confuciunism was a Chinese social movement begun in the 500s BC that had these 3 goals for society What are: 1.To preserve order 2.To establish harmony 3.To create a system of ethics

This ancient Macedonian ended the power of the Greek city-states and established a unified nation. Who is Alexander the Great?

The Punic Wars with Carthage (264 – 146 BC) extended the Roman Empire into this geographical region. What is North Africa?

The spread of Greco-Roman culture was encouraged by using this method. What is the establishment of colonies in distant lands?