1 Successes: Community & Nonprofit Leaders’ Views of Successes & Innovative Approaches SURVEY ANALYSISSURVEY ANALYSIS Community leaders were asked: “From your perspective, what is happening to improve the quality of life in Washtenaw County that is either highly successful or innovative”? Their five pages of verbatim responses point to the wide range of actions in which individuals and groups in this county are already engaged. Similar comments have been grouped and summarized with a few verbatim quotes added to each section. Three key areas of success and/or innovation clearly emerged: (1) collaborative efforts; (2) cross sector partnerships; and (3) efforts to protect open space. Interestingly, the lack of coordination and collaboration was identified as a key barrier. Clearly this is an area where a lot is already happening and a lot more could be done. Collaborative efforts and plan to solve health and human service problems Efforts most frequently mentioned included: the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness, Blueprint on Aging, Success By Six, and the Washtenaw County Health Plan (WCHP). Health Improvement Plan focus on obesity - increasing physical activity and healthy eating in combination with Washtenaw County Health Organization and WCHP school based health programming —local coalition activity around walking. Fledging intergovernmental coordination efforts were also mentioned. Cross-Sector partnerships Various partnerships among, nonprofit organizations, businesses, civic leaders, the academic community, and community residents focused on addressing particular issues were identified. For example, one person said, “Group efforts that involve business and civic leaders like the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness, are good steps to bringing people together to develop interwoven programs and avoid gaps in services. Another individual wrote “The UM has launched a partnership with Washtenaw County to address issues of mental illness.” Yet a third example is “Washtenaw County connected with the Ann Arbor schools studying the growing differential achievement rates of minority and majority youths.”
2 Successes: Community & Nonprofit Leaders’ Views of Successes & Innovative Approaches SURVEY ANALYSISSURVEY ANALYSIS Open space The preservation of open space through a variety of strategies including creating a greenbelt, managing downtown development, purchasing park lands. The commitment of the citizenry to saving open space and agriculture combined with an agreement to bring residents to downtown Ann Arbor help reduce sprawl. Educational and cultural opportunities “Washtenaw Community College offering reasonable priced, high quality, innovative programs available to people that would not otherwise be able to participate. Access to strong educational and cultural resources build communities that have engaged, active and employed people. Addressing these issues across the board likely eliminates the root cause of many other negative issues. Although the education system is hurting from financing they are doing a good job with the resources available. Chamber's support of Arts Alliance, which works to support local culture with the goal in part to enhance the quality of life that attracts jobs and residents. The community center programs are a great assets and our churches. Having such beautiful parks and open space the greenbelt concept, the art fairs and cultural activities. Good libraries” Jobs and technology related “The influx of high tech businesses and the life sciences initiatives at the U-M bring in many high paid jobs. In addition, the Toyota and Hyundai research and development facilities help with good jobs. Use of technology to provide services, distribute services, and add jobs. Light Rail Transportation discussions on 1-94 and US 23. Workforce development looking more closely at creating jobs. Bringing in foreign employment opportunities. Wireless Washtenaw, internet organizing (events calendars, etc.).”
3 Successes: Community & Nonprofit Leaders’ Views of Successes & Innovative Approaches SURVEY ANALYSISSURVEY ANALYSIS Health related “The Washtenaw Health insurance program is good when funds are available. Prescription drug program is innovative but could be better. Washtenaw County’s heath and drug coverage for low income adults. Drawing down federal Medicaid dollars to fund safety net providers of physical and mental health care for low income customers is very successful and cutting edge.” One person commented: “Too many things to count...this is a dedicated, talented, and innovative nonprofit community working really hard to make life in Washtenaw County better for all its citizens, particularly for those who are economically-disadvantaged.”