▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank History come from, in consideration, according, as time passed by, to do good * 총 30 문항, 각 문제당 3.3 점씩 배점 1. Confucianism2. Taoism 3. Confucius4. philosopher 5. ancient6. official 7. authority8. obedience 9. good character10. interpret 11. emphasize12. consideration 13. impose14. philosophy 15. right16. in consideration of~ 17. Nor did he want authority to be based on power but on good character and the desire. 또한 그는 권위가 힘에 기반을 두는 것이 아니고 좋은 인성과 선한 행동을 하고 싶어하는 의지를 바탕으로 할 것을 바랬다. 18. He did not want obedience to fear. 그는 복종이 두려움으로부터 오는 것을 바라지 않았다. 19. This love was to be expressed of others. 이 사랑은 다른 사람에 대한 배려를 통해 표현된다고 하였다. 20. It advised humans to live simply, to the laws of nature. 도교는 자연의 법칙에 따르며 최대한 단순하게 살 것을 조언했다. 21., Confucius’ ideas, as interpreted by his followers, became the official teaching of all of China. 시간이 지나면서 공자의 생각들은 그의 추종자들에 의해 설명되어서 중국의 공식적 가르침으로 인정되었다.
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. Confucianism and Taoism Confucianism is teachings of Confucius who was a famous philosopher of ancient China. Confucianism became the Chinese model for official and personal behavior for centuries. It has also influenced the lives of Korean people. Confucius was a very wise man whose greatest wish was to advise kings. His goal was to create a good government. Confucius called for a well-organized society in which everyone knew his or her place and respected authority. However, he did not want obedience to come from fear but from duty to love. Nor did he want authority to be based on power but on good character and the desire to do good. As time passed by, Confucius’ ideas, as interpreted by his followers, became the official teaching of all of China. He emphasized the love of all people. This love was to be expressed in consideration of others. He described this as “Not doing to others what you would not like yourself.” Besides Confucianism, Taoism was also an important Chinese philosophy. This way of thinking got its name from the Chinese word tao, meaning “the road” or “the way.” Whereas Confucianism sought the best possible government, Taoism sought the least amount of government. Taoism supported the right of the individual to be left alone. It advised humans to live simply, according to the laws of nature History 22. According to the article, Confucius wanted ________ ① Authority to be based on power ② Obedience to come from duty to love ③ Obedience to come mainly from fear ④ The individual to have the right to be left alone 23. The word 'obedience' in the article most closely means _____ ① rebellion ② bad behavior ③ misbehavior ④ good behavior 24. The phrase from the article, "Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.", means _______ ① Treat other people the way you wish to be treated by others. ② We should never talk to strangers as we don't enjoy being talked to by strangers. ③ We should not concern ourself with other people, and care only for ourselves. ④ We need to choose things in life ourselves, not relying on other people to do so for us.
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Structure ☞ Complete the sentences by using the words. 29. You (already sent / have already sent) him all the letters, haven’t you? 30. My father has (just now / just) donated a big amount of money to help the homeless History 25. According to the article, how does Confucianism differ from Taoism. ① Confucianism is concerned with individual rights and freedom where as Taoism is concerned with love and obedience to authority. ② Confucianism wasn't concerned with creating a proper government, whereas Taoism sought to establish a firm government structure. ③ Confucianism sought to establish a well organized government and society, whereby people knew their roles. Taoism, was more concerned with living by the laws of nature. ④ Confucianism and Taoism are actually very similar, only differing in the time from when they were introduced. 26. Confucianism has affected China but has had no impact upon Korea and its people. _____ 27. Confucianism eventually became the official teaching of all of China. _____ 28. Taoism received its name from an ancient Chinese word, that translates to "love", or "family". _____
▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank History come from, in consideration, according, as time passed by, to do good 17. Nor did he want authority to be based on power but on good character and the desire to do good. 또한 그는 권위가 힘에 기반을 두는 것이 아니고 좋은 인성과 선한 행동을 하고 싶어하는 의지를 바탕으로 할 것을 바랬다. 18. He did not want obedience to come from fear. 그는 복종이 두려움으로부터 오는 것을 바라지 않았다. 19. This love was to be expressed in consideration of others. 이 사랑은 다른 사람에 대한 배려를 통해 표현된다고 하였다. 20. It advised humans to live simply, according to the laws of nature. 도교는 자연의 법칙에 따르며 최대한 단순하게 살 것을 조언했다. 21. As time passed by, Confucius’ ideas, as interpreted by his followers, became the official teaching of all of China. 시간이 지나면서 공자의 생각들은 그의 추종자들에 의해 설명되어서 중국의 공식적 가르침으로 인정되었다. * 총 30 문항, 각 문제당 3.3 점씩 배점 1. Confucianism [ 유교 ]2. Taoism [ 도교 ] 3. Confucius [ 공자 ]4. philosopher [ 철학자 ] 5. ancient [ 고대 ]6. official [( 고위 ) 공무원, 관리 ] 7. authority [ 권위 ]8. obedience [ 순종 ] 9. good character [ 선 ]10. interpret [ 설명하다, 해석하다 ] 11. emphasize [ 강조하다 ]12. consideration [ 배려 ] 13. impose [ 도입하다, 시행하다 ]14. philosophy [ 철학 ] 15. right [ 권리 ]16. in consideration of~ [~ 을 고려하여 ]
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. Confucianism and Taoism Confucianism is teachings of Confucius who was a famous philosopher of ancient China. Confucianism became the Chinese model for official and personal behavior for centuries. It has also influenced the lives of Korean people. Confucius was a very wise man whose greatest wish was to advise kings. His goal was to create a good government. Confucius called for a well-organized society in which everyone knew his or her place and respected authority. However, he did not want obedience to come from fear but from duty to love. Nor did he want authority to be based on power but on good character and the desire to do good. As time passed by, Confucius’ ideas, as interpreted by his followers, became the official teaching of all of China. He emphasized the love of all people. This love was to be expressed in consideration of others. He described this as “Not doing to others what you would not like yourself.” Besides Confucianism, Taoism was also an important Chinese philosophy. This way of thinking got its name from the Chinese word tao, meaning “the road” or “the way.” Whereas Confucianism sought the best possible government, Taoism sought the least amount of government. Taoism supported the right of the individual to be left alone. It advised humans to live simply, according to the laws of nature History 22. According to the article, Confucius wanted ________ [2] ① Authority to be based on power ② Obedience to come from duty to love ③ Obedience to come mainly from fear ④ The individual to have the right to be left alone 23. The word 'obedience' in the article most closely means _____ [4] ① rebellion ② bad behavior ③ misbehavior ④ good behavior 24. The phrase from the article, "Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.", means _______ [1] ① Treat other people the way you wish to be treated by others. ② We should never talk to strangers as we don't enjoy being talked to by strangers. ③ We should not concern ourself with other people, and care only for ourselves. ④ We need to choose things in life ourselves, not relying on other people to do so for us.
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Structure ☞ Complete the sentences by using the words. 29. You (already sent / have already sent) him all the letters, haven’t you? 30. My father has (just now / just) donated a big amount of money to help the homeless History 25. According to the article, how does Confucianism differ from Taoism. [3] ① Confucianism is concerned with individual rights and freedom where as Taoism is concerned with love and obedience to authority. ② Confucianism wasn't concerned with creating a proper government, whereas Taoism sought to establish a firm government structure. ③ Confucianism sought to establish a well organized government and society, whereby people knew their roles. Taoism, was more concerned with living by the laws of nature. ④ Confucianism and Taoism are actually very similar, only differing in the time from when they were introduced. 26. Confucianism has affected China but has had no impact upon Korea and its people. [F] 27. Confucianism eventually became the official teaching of all of China. [T] 28. Taoism received its name from an ancient Chinese word, that translates to "love", or "family". [F]