Lisa Thomas RN-BC State Training Coordinator November 6, 2014
Briefly review the 10 most frequently cited deficiencies for long term care providers from standard and complaint surveys for 2013 Discuss how many times each deficiency was cited on standard surveys Discuss how many times each deficiency was cited on complaint surveys OBJECTIVES
F282- Be provided by qualified persons in accordance with each resident’s written plan of care. Appeared in the Top Ten Deficiencies list 10 times Cited 51 times on standard surveys Cited 19 times on complaint surveys §483.20(k)(3)(ii)
F309 – Each resident must receive and the facility must provide the necessary care and services to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being, in accordance with the comprehensive assessment and plan of care Appeared in the Top Ten Deficiencies list every month of Cited 91 times on standard surveys Cited 34 times on complaint surveys § Quality of Care
F312 – A resident who is unable to carry out activities of daily living receives the necessary services to maintain good nutrition, grooming, and personal and oral hygiene Appeared in the Top Ten Deficiencies list 7 times. Cited 52 times on standard surveys Cited 20 times on complaint surveys § (a)(3)
F314- Based on the comprehensive assessment of a resident, the facility must ensure that – (1)A resident who enters the facility without pressure sores does not develop pressure sores unless the individual’s clinical condition demonstrates that they were unavoidable; and (2) A resident having pressure sores receives necessary treatment and services to promote healing, prevent infection and prevent new sores from developing. § (c) Pressure Sores
F314- Appeared in the Top Ten Deficiencies list 11 times Cited 66 times on standard surveys Cited 20 times on complaint surveys § (c) Pressure Sores
F323- The facility must ensure that- (1)The resident environment remains as free from accident hazards as is possible; and (2) Each resident receives adequate supervision and assistive devices to prevent accidents Appeared in the Top Ten Deficiencies list 12 times Cited 128 times on standard surveys Cited 40 times on complaint surveys § (h) Accidents
F328- The facility must ensure that residents receive proper treatment and care for the following special services: Injections Parenteral and Enteral Fluids Colostomy, Ureterostomy, or Ileostomy Care Tracheostomy Care Standard: Tracheal Suctioning Standard: Respiratory Care Foot care Prosthesis § (k) Special Needs
F328- Appeared in the Top Ten Deficiencies list 6 times Cited 38 times on standard surveys Cited 13 times on complaint surveys § (k) Special Needs
F333- Residents are free of any significant medication errors Appeared in the Top Ten Deficiencies list 8 times Cited 49 times on standard surveys Cited 14 times on complaint surveys § (m) Medication Errors
F363 – Meet the nutritional needs of residents in accordance with recommended dietary allowances of the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences; Be prepared in advance; and Be followed Appeared in the Top Ten Deficiencies list 9 times Cited 45 times on standard surveys Cited 17 times on complaint surveys § (c) Menus and Nutritional Adequacy
F371-The facility must procure food from sources approved or considered satisfactory and store, prepare, distribute and serve food under sanitary conditions Procure food from sources approved or considered satisfactory by Federal, State or local authorities; and Store, prepare, distribute and serve food under sanitary conditions Appeared in the Top Ten Deficiencies list 12 times Cited 86 times on standard surveys Cited 11 times on complaint surveys § (i) Sanitary Conditions
F441- The facility must establish and maintain an Infection Control Program designed to provide a safe, sanitary and comfortable environment and to help prevent the development and transmission of disease and infection § Infection Control
§483.65(a) Infection Control Program: The facility must establish an infection Control Program under which it- (1)Investigates, controls, and prevents infections in the facility; (2)Decides what procedures, such as isolation, should be applied to an individual resident; and (3)Maintains a record of incidents and corrective actions related to infections § Infection Control
§483.65(b) Preventing Spread of Infection (1)When the infection Control Program determines that a resident needs isolation to prevent the spread of infection, the facility must isolate the resident. (2)The facility must prohibit employees with a communicable disease or infected skin lesions from direct contact with residents or their food, if direct contact will transmit the disease § Infection Control
§483.65(c) Linens – Personnel must handle, store, process and transport linens so as to prevent the spread of infection Appeared in the Top Ten Deficiencies list 12 times Cited 101 times on standard surveys Cited 18 times on complaint surveys § Infection Control
F157- notification F225- Abuse Prohibition F226- P&P on Abuse F241- Dignity F287- MDS records not electronically transmitted F315- B&B program, restore, UTI’s F322- tube feeding care F329- unnecessary medications F332- medication error rate 5% or greater F364- loss of nutritive value, taste and appearance F502- performed, timely, received promptly Miscellaneous Deficiencies