The evolution of international society David Armstrong Liu yaozong
The idea of international society -What is international society? State Sovereignty Equality Distinction based on features such as language, culture, or religion World government -International law English school
Ancient worlds Greek India China Rome Trade and Treaties
The Christian and Islam orders - Catholic church Islam -the abode of war vs the abode of Islam
Modern international society 15th -post-medieval European international society. -balance of power came strongly recognised 16th -appearance of international law. The 30years war -Europe last religious war. State actors Non-state actors Three central institutions of international society
The Peace of Westphalia -regarded as the key event ushering in the contemporary international system. 1648-1776 -international society has been taking shape. The American and French revolution -sovereignty was vested in the ‘nation’ rather than a ‘ruler’. The WW1 19th
The globalization of international society Post-war period UN The collapse of Soviet Union
Do you think international society is under anarchy condition? UN as an important image of international society, however, does UN represents the global government? Does the existence of UN really helped solving global issues?
International history Len Scott
Introduction World War 1 brought the world into global society. (Also known as the Great War) -the first modern, industrialized total war. -brought Russian, German, Austro-Hungary, Ottoman into history. World War 2 was more total in nature and global in scope. -Atomic bomb-nuclear weapon come to history.
Modern Total War How the WW 1 began? -the German Government to blame? -the changing systemic factors? Versailles Peace Treaty -failed to tackle central problem of European security. -over frustrating Germany The rise of Hitler -same with the German leaders during the WW 1, but was particular philosophy of the Nazism and ideas of racial supremacy and imperial expansion. The rise and fall of Japan -invade China in 1937 -brought US into war with the Pearl Harbour attack. -US-> atomic bombed Japan
End of Empire The belief of self-determination. Britain -1947, India Independence -50s, withdraw from Africa -the decolonization was rather peace. Nationalism or Communism? -the prologue of the cold war.