CMFSC Presentation British Columbia Soccer Premier League
Guiding Principles for HPL League Supports CSA’s Player First Mentality Harmonizes all elite level programming Eliminates congestion and provides greater clarity for all stakeholders Works in harmony with existing structures Drives improvements to all aspects of Elite level soccer
Objectives of HPL Makes a strong contribution to player development at the National Team level. Provides an elevated level of competition for elite players in BC. HPL becomes a dynamic new property for BC Soccer, its membership, and its strategic partners
Governance, Management, & Support of HPL Will operate under BC Soccer as the provincial sport governing body. Will be overseen by a High Performance League Board of Governors. Will receive Management support from BC Soccer’s HPL Committee & designated Staff
Technical Objectives of HPL Impact the daily environment of the player.....CRITICAL TO OVERALL IMPROVEMENT Create an atmosphere which provides for a meaningful and sustainable competition format Harmonize all elite level of programming in BC to alleviate congestions, provide clarity, recognized and sustainable player development program. Talent identification Quality match environments Coaching development
Proposed HPL Technical Standards Mandatory Coaching Certification (Age specific) Compliance of Recognized Technical Curriculum Establishment of Scouting Database (Coaches reports) Maximum Number of Matches Minimum Number of Training Sessions Minimum Play Standard and Substitution Policy Required Rest and Recovery Periods Minimum Squad Size Mandatory Player Testing Protocol Positional Specific Coaching (Goalkeeping)
HPL Proposed Synopsis Age Groups :U13 through U16 & U18 Male & Female Player Evaluations:Second two week of January and 1 st week of February ***(there has been lots of discussion about moving this to November instead). Pre-SeasonFebruary start Season Length (Comp. Phase 1)March 1 st through July 1st 1 st Transition:July through 1 st week of August 2 nd Pre-SeasonLast two weeks of August Season Length (Comp. Phase 2)Last two weeks of August through to the 3 rd week of November 2 nd Transition:Mid-November through to Player Evals Provincial Cup Date:July 1st Total MatchesApproximately 40
BC Soccer Provincial Teams Program Age GroupsUnder 13 to Under 15 Player EvaluationsThrough HPL, PTP training and project phases, CSA NTC West Program and competition phases Squad Sizes18(including 2 keepers) Composite of Player Extractions 1)Mid-Nov through Feb (10 weeks) 2)Mid-March (7-10 days) 3)Beginning of May (7-10 days) 4)Beginning of June (7-10 days) 5)July to beginning of August (4 weeks)
CSA – National Training Centre West Age GroupsU13 through U15 Player SelectionCSA Staff Coaches & BC Soccer Staff Coaches responsibily Composite of ProgramOne session per week for a selected group of players (NO CONFLICT WITH LEAGUE PLAY) Player Assessment & SelectionPlayers may be added or released at any time within a program. Programming Phase1)1 st training phase begins in February 2)2 nd training phase beings in August
BC Soccer Premier League Clubs 1.Abbotsford Soccer Association 2.Burnaby/ North Shore 3.Coquitlam Metro-Ford Soccer Club 4.Lower Island Soccer Association/Upper Island Soccer Association (Vancouver Island) 5.South Fraser Soccer Club 6.Surrey United Soccer Club 7.Thompson Okanagan Football Club 8.Vancouver/Richmond.
CMFSC BCSPL Plan Coach Selection : Applications were due February 15 th and Coaches will be finalized & announced at the latest, March 1 st. Evaluations will now be posted when the coach appointments are posted. They will begin at the beginning of April. Website – we will have a dedicated section for HPL where we will continue to post new information. We will also post a handbook or Q & A for parents soon.
CMFSC Partners with the BCSPL Current Regional Partners are Port Moody SC and Port Coquitlam FC who put their formal support behind our HPL application bid. We will now be working with both clubs to establish a working relationship. The hope is to start that we can collaborate on things such as player identification, player development, and coach development. We want to be able to establish relationships with Tier 2 teams/coaches in both Port Moody and Port Coquitlam so that players can stay in their community clubs, but still have access and exposure to HPL.
What Does Year One Look Like ? CMFSC BCSPSL Evaluations – April 2011 Mini Season – September to November Re-evaluation Phase – possibly November? First Full Season -February to July -September to November
Cost for BCSPL The Budget has not been set or approved yet, the budget will include fees to cover: League Registration Fee Travel Costs (2 trips to Island, 2 trips to Okanagan) Club Administration Referee Costs Website Support Equipment Balls, cones, etc. BCPSL Technical Director Uniforms, training gear, tracksuits, bag, etc. Coaching Costs Game Day Miscellaneous Costs
Cost for BCSPL cont... A Metro player was paying last season: $1140 for Y-League $495 for Metro Fees (this did not include the cost to travel to Florida $1600 and other things such as track-suits and training equipment that they had to purchase separately as a Metro Player) We are committed to working to keep the cost as low as we can, while still balancing offering a quality, competitive program.
Transition from the U12 Year Current recommendation is: Evaluations would be in the Spring(March/April) of their Under 12 Season. Each season compete in a mini season September – November and then join the rest of the age groups for the full season February to November.
Under 18 Year For inaugural year will run from: -September to November -February to July -Decisions for what the season from September to November 2012 will be made by the Board of Governors. After Year one the traditional U18 season will run from February to July and then again decisions on the September to November season will be made.
Tier 2 to Tier 5 Tier 2 – Metro Select League (MSL) Tier 3 – Gold Tier 4 – Silver Tier 5 – Bronze
Tier 2 – MSL Boys Selects League and Girls Metro League Merges Team limits Max 16 at U13 Max 14 at U14 Max 12 at U15-18 Island & Okanagan will not be involved These are recommended maximum teams numbers but the league will have flexibility if there is a strong age group. There is also not a commitment to fielding the max unless it is appropriate. They will have league rules out by mid march.
Tier 3 – Tier 5 (Gold-Bronze) Girls – continue to be run by BCCGSL Boys – will be run by 4 District and 5 District Gold(Tier 3) & Silver(Tier 4) – player selection Bronze - House