Project Designing a booklet. 有个学生名字叫 “ 马騳 (dú) 骉 (biāo) ” ,开学点名了,班主 任不知怎么念,所以每当上 课点名的时候,总爱说马叉 叉到了没。 语文课上课了 ,语文老师有点文学素养, 点名道: “ 万马奔腾到了没 ? ” 接下来是体育课,体育.


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explain : end up doing sth. 终止做某事, 结束做某事, 后面加动名词短语, 相当于 finish doing sth., 表示结束做某事, 事情已完成。 e.g. When we practice speaking English, we often end up speaking.
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Project Designing a booklet
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Welcome to Unit2 Language.
Module 3 Unit 2 Language 南大附中 方红.
Presentation transcript:

Project Designing a booklet

有个学生名字叫 “ 马騳 (dú) 骉 (biāo) ” ,开学点名了,班主 任不知怎么念,所以每当上 课点名的时候,总爱说马叉 叉到了没。 语文课上课了 ,语文老师有点文学素养, 点名道: “ 万马奔腾到了没 ? ” 接下来是体育课,体育 老师直接改用 “ 一群马到了 没 ” 。历史老师对这个名字 很不感冒,于是点名道: “ 马家的五马分尸来了没有 ?

马 The development of Chinese characters

Skimming Skim the text and discuss the structure of the text with your partner. Think about how many parts we can divide the whole text into.

Para.1 Para.2 L10 Para.2-4 Para.5 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Listen to the text and summarize the main idea for each part. Listening

A. The origin of Chinese characters. B. Simplified Chinese characters. C. Brief introduction of Chinese characters. D. Form and development of Chinese characters. Para.1 Para.2 Para.2-4 Para.5 Main idea C A D B

Para.1 Part 1 What makes the Chinese language differ from many Western languages?

Para.2 Part 2 仓颉也称苍颉,是传说为黄 帝的史官,汉字的创造者。 传说中仓颉生有 “ 双瞳四目 ” 。 目有重瞳者,中国史书上记 载只有三个人,虞舜、仓颉、 项羽。虞舜是禅让的圣人, 孝顺的圣人,而仓颉是文圣 人,项羽则是武圣人。 What fired his idea of inventing Chinese characters? Who is said to have invented Chinese writing?

仓颉, 汉字的创始 人, 是古代神话传说 中黄帝的史官。据 说刻在兽骨和龟甲 上的文字也是由他 发明的. 他被尊为 “ 造字圣人 ” 。 Cang Jie, who is believed to have invented Chinese characters, used to work as a history official under the Yellow Emperor in ancient China. It is said that the inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells were also invented by him. He has been taken as the father of Chinese characters.

Para.3-4 Part 3 How are Chinese characters formed? drawings of physical objects - pictographs( 象形 )

木 燕 禾泉舟 车 网 鱼

Part 3 How are Chinese characters formed? drawings of physical objects - pictographs( 象形 ) combine two or more characters together( 会意 ) Para.3-4

采 尖 家 旦 Examples:

Part 3 How are Chinese characters formed? drawings of physical objects - pictographs( 象形 ) combine two or more characters together( 会意 ) Para.3-4 combine meaning and pronunciation - pictophonetic characters( 形声 )

砖 编 聆 骂砖 编 聆 骂 Examples:

Part 4 Para.5 When were simplified Chinese characters introduced by the Chinese government? Where are simplified Chinese characters used? In the 1950s. In China’s mainland.

Starting the project—How to design a booklet ? Planning Preparing Producing Presenting

Planning Work in small groups and discuss and choose what characters the group would like to research. Discuss the layout of the booklet. Divide the work each group member will do. Collect the information needed.

Preparing Look for information as many sources as you can find. Tips (organizing information) 4. ConclusionConclusion 1. Introduction 2. Method 3. Findings 1. the characters your group would like to research 2. the Internet/ books/ TV/ radio…

Uesful expressions: the character for… was at first… this became…, and over time turned into… be made by combining … and … together be made up of the characters for… and … be formed with… the left/right/upper/lower part indicate … and the other suggest…

People in (ancient) China when they wanted to express their ideas Conclusion: combine two or more characters toghther use drawings of physical objects have one part of a character indicating the meaning and the other suggesting the pronunciation How are Chinese characters formed?

Producing Everyone writes a section of the booklet. Then put what has been written together. Add photos or illustrations where necessary. Proofread the draft to correct mistakes if there are any. New ideas can be added. Now the booklet is finished.

My booklet Character: Method: the Internet Findings: It shows a person in a profile, standing upright with arms hanging down. In another interpretation a person is marching with two legs. The character, often in a slender form, appears in many composite characters: with a tree 休 xiu (rest), a person resting against a tree; with a mountain 仙 xian (hermit or immortal), a person secluded in a mountain. Conclusion: People in ancient china combined two or more elements together when they wanted to express their ideas. A possible example:

Presenting Present the booklet to the whole class by taking turns to talk about each section of their booklet.