SODRU – Spivdruzhnist-T Joint Stock Company Kharkiv, UKRAINE
SUDRU - INTHEAT Basic role in the project: contributing to the application of PHEs and into development of new heat transfer enhancement products in various types of industry develop and test the heat transfer enhancement technologies that could be further used in similar cases in industry, especially in application of the “zero waste” and “zero carbon” concepts.
SODRU- INTHEAT SODRU is partner in the project INTHEAT SME Participant Involved in the work packages: WP1. Analysis of fouling in PHEs WP2. Heat transfer enhancement in PHEs WP4. Design, retrofit of intensified heat recovery networks WP5. Putting into practice WP6.Technology transfer
SODRU is dealing mostly with Plate Heat Exchangers and concentrating on this type of heat transfer equipment
Plate Heat Exchangers – high efficient modern heat transfer equipment with enhanced heat transfer compactness (it allows to release free space areas in existing heating stations and it helps to significantly reduce the cost of building new ones); primary heat carrier flow rate reduction for heating (owing to their identical channel geometry and high efficiency); easy in operation (the device is easily cleansed by chemical cleaning or their heat transfer surface may be totally opened by simple removal of the tightening bolts); low weight; sanitary clean design; the absence of cross-flows between heat carrier and heated media; close temperature approach of heating and heated streams (down to 1 K).
The construction of Plate Heat Exchanger 6 The construction of Plate Heat Exchanger
The generally used plate of PHE 7 The generally used plate of PHE 1 - heat carrier inlet and outlet 2 - zone for flow distribution 3 - rubber gasket 4 - the main corrugated field 5 - zone for flow distribution
Geometry of plates with different corrugation types 8 Geometry of plates with different corrugation types 1, 2 - the intersection of the adjacent plates; 3 - channel cross sections for the sinusoidal form of corrugations; 4 - channel cross sections for the triangular form of corrugations 8
WP1. Analysis of intensified heat transfer under fouling Task 1.1. Experimental fouling investigation Supporting with UNIBATH, UNIMAN Data collection and analysis for PHEs Task 2.1. CFD research on heat transfer Supporting with UNIBATH, UPB
Work Package 1 Technical review of fouling and its impact on heat transfer (for Plate Heat Exchangers)
Fouling factors in PHEs up to 10 times lower then in shell and tubes Marriot J. (1971) Cooper A. et al. (1980) Tovazhnyansky L, Kapustenko P (1984) Panchal CH, Rabas TJ (1999) Hesselgraves JE (2001) Wang L, Sunden B, Manglik RM (2007) Gogenko LA et al. (2007)
Fouling factors for PHEs compared with TEMA values from Panchal and Rabas (1999)
Comprehensive experimental study of particulate fouling was reported by Karabelas et al. (1997) This type of fouling is typical of most cases of cooling water fouling. Using Equations obtained at Deliverable D2.1. of recent Project we estimated wall shear stresses for conditions reported by Karabelas et al. (1997).
The influence of wall shear stress on asymptotic value of fouling thermal resistance in PHE
Conclusions WP1. There is close link between fouling and wall shear stress in PHEs. For shear stress high than 30N/m² available data uncertain. Experimental study to establish the link between fouling and wall shear stress at intensified heat transfer are needed to be obtained by UNIBATH. It will allow to account for PHEs fouling in UNIPAN HEN design methodology.
Main References for WP1 (more in the report) 16 Main References for WP1 (more in the report) Cooper A, Suitor JW, Usher JD, 1980, Cooling water fouling in Plate Heat Exchangers. Heat Transfer Engineering, 1(3), pp.50 – 55. Gogenko AL, Anipko OB, Arsenyeva OP, Kapustenko PO, 2007, Accounting for fouling in plate heat exchanger design. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 12: 207–213. Hesselgreaves JE, 2001, Compact Heat Exchangers. Selection, Design and Operation. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Karabelas AJ et al, 1997, Liquid side fouling of Heat Exchangers. An Integrated R&D Approach for Conventional and Novel Designs. Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.7, Nos.8-10, pp.727 – 737. Marriott J, 1971, Where and How to Use Plate Heat Exchangers, Chemical Engineering, vol.78, no. 8, pp. 127-134. Panchal, CH and Rabas, TJ, 1999, Fouling Characteristics of Compact Heat Exchangers and Enhanced Tubes, Proc. International Conference on Compact Heat Exchangers and Enhancement Technology for the Process Industries, Banff, Canada. Begell House, New York. Tovazhnyansky LL and Kapustenko PA, 1984, Intensification of heat and mass transfer in channels of plate condensers. Chem. Engineering Communications, 31(6), 351–366. Wang L, Sunden B, Manglik RM, 2007, PHEs. Design, Applications and Performance. Southhampton: WIT Press.
WP2. Combined tube-side and shell-side heat exchanger enhancement Task 2.1., Task 2.2. Heat transfer enhancement in PHEs Supporting with UNIBATH, UNIMAN Data collection and analysis for PHEs Task 2.3. Mathematical modelling
Savostin and Tikhonov (1970) Tovazhnyansky et al. (1980) 18 Experimental investigations of pressure drop in PHE channels (the number rather limited, papers from 70th-80th are cited in most recent literature as reliable data) : Savostin and Tikhonov (1970) Tovazhnyansky et al. (1980) Focke et al. (1985) Heavner et al. (1993) Dović et al. (2009) Muley and Manglik (1999) Arsenyeva et al. (2009)
The influence of corrugation angle to flow direction on friction factor by Tovazhnyansky et al. (1980)
Observed: All authors obtained different correlations for their channels. The strong influence of channel geometry on friction factor correlations. Main influencing parameters: Corrugation angle to flow direction; Corrugation pitch to height ratio; Ratio of developed to projected area.
Generalization attempts: Martin H (1996) Dović D., Palm B. and Švaić S (2009) Drawbacks: Implicit correlating functions Low accuracy (error up to 70%)
22 Experimental investigations of heat transfer in PHE channels (the number rather limited, papers from 70th-80th are cited in most recent literature as reliable data) Savostin and Tikhonov (1970) Tovazhnyansky et al. (1980) Heavner et al. (1993) Dović et al. (2009) Muley and Manglik (1999) Arsenyeva et al. (2009) Khan et al. (2010)
Observed: All authors obtained different correlations for their channels. The strong influence of channel geometry on heat transfer correlations. Main influencing parameters: Corrugation angle to flow direction; Corrugation pitch to height ratio; Ratio of developed to projected area.
Generalization attempts: Martin H (1996) Dović D., Palm B. and Švaić S (2009) Calculation of heat transfer through friction factor by Leveque analogy (originally proposed for laminar flow) Drawbacks: Obscure physical background Low accuracy (error up to 50%)
25 Modification of Reynolds analogy for PHE channels by Tovazhnyansky and Kapustenko (1984) Assumed that film heat transfer coefficient in PHE channel and in straight pipe with the same shear stress on the wall are equel In a tubes Reynolds analogy holds true and the following equation can be derived for PHE channel:
26 The experimental data of Tovazhnyansky et al. (1980) for four experimental samples of PHE channel (solid lines ψ=1)
Average shear stress on the wall: 27 The main parameter, which is not determined in Equation for Nu is the share of pressure loss due to friction on the wall in total loss of pressure ψ. Its value can be estimated on comparison with experimental data on heat transfer in models of PHE channels. The analysis of flow patterns in PHE channels by Dović et al. (2009) have shown a stronger mixing at higher β and Reynolds numbers. The mixing is associated with flow disruptions, which are contributing to the rise of form drag and consequent decrease in the share ψ of pressure loss due to friction on the wall. Correlating ψ calculated from Equation at experimental values of Nu, the formula describing dependence of ψ from β and Reynolds number can be obtained. Average shear stress on the wall:
28 Conclusions on WP2. There is a strong influence of PHE channel geometry on friction factor and heat transfer correlations. Main influencing parameters: Corrugation angle to flow direction; Corrugation pitch to height ratio; Ratio of developed to projected area. Proposed generalised correlations are not giving accuracy sufficient for correct design of industrial PHEs
Main References (more in the report) 29 Main References (more in the report) Arsenyeva O., Tovazhnyansky L., Kapustenko P. and Khavin G., 2009, Mathematical Modelling and Optimal Design of Plate-and-Frame Heat Exchangers. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 18, 791-796 DOI: 10.3303/CET0918129 Dović D., Palm B. and Švaić S., 2009, Generalized correlations for predicting heat transfer and pressure drop in plate heat exchanger channels of arbitrary geometry. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 52, 4553–4563. Focke WW, Zacharadies J, Olivier I, 1985, The effect of the corrugation inclinationangle on the thermohydraulic performance of plate heat exchangers. Int. J.Heat Mass Transfer, 28, 1469–1479. Heavner R.L., Kumar H. and Wanniarachchi A.S., 1993, Performance of an industrial plate heat exchanger: effect of chevron angle. AICHE Symposium Series, New York, USA, 89 (295), 262-267. Khan TS, Khan MS, Chyu M-C, Ayub ZH, 2010, Experimental investigation of single phase convective heat transfer coefficient in a corrugated plate heat exchanger for multiple plate configurations. Applied Thermal Engineering. 30 (8-9), 1058–1065. Martin H., 1996, Theoretical approach to predict the performance of chevron-type plate heat exchangers, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 35, 301–310. Muley A. and Manglik R.M., 1999, Experimental study of turbulent flow heat transfer and pressure drop in a plate heat exchanger with chevron plates. ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 121, 110–117. Savostin AF and Tikhonov AM, 1970, Investigation of the characteristics of plate-type heating surfaces. Thermal Engineering, 17 (9), 113-117. Tovazhnyansky L.L., Kapustenko P.A. and Tsibulnic V.A., 1980, Heat transfer and hydraulic resistance in channels of plate heat exchangers. Energetika, 9, 123-125. Tovazhnyansky LL and Kapustenko PA, 1984, Intensification of heat and mass transfer in channels of plate condensers. Chem. Engineering Communications, 31(6), 351–366.
WP4. Design, retrofit and control of intensified heat recovery networks Task 4.1. Development of a streamlined and computationally efficient methodology for design of HENs Supporting with UNIPAN Providing industrial case study and testing approach Task 4.2. A systematic retrofit procedure with accounting for fouling Supporting with UNIPAN, UNIMAN Validating system for PHEs
WP4. Design, retrofit and control of intensified heat recovery networks Task 4.3. Development of a software tool Supporting with UNIPAN, UNIMAN Validating system for PHEs
Two Columns unit for Benzene Hydrocarbons Extraction from Coke-Oven Gas
One Column unit for Benzene Hydrocarbons Extraction from Coke-Oven Gas Figure 2: Principal flowsheet of benzene hydrocarbons extraction plant. Sc – scrubber; Col – stripping column; P-1 – pump; HE-1, HE-2 – recuperative heat exchangers; H1 – steam heater; C1, C3 – water cooler; C2 – air cooler; 1-1 – 1-4 – regenerated stripping oil; 2-1 – 2-3 – benzene hydrocarbons mixture; 3-1 – 3-5 – stripping oil from the scrubber; 4-1 – 4-2 – coke-oven gas; CW1, CW2 – cooling water; S-1, S-2 – steam.
Coal tar distillation
WP5. Putting into practice Task 5.3. Demonstration and application of intensified heat exchangers to Coal Chemical industry Supporting with UNIMAN and UNIPAN on following task: Data collection and setting up base case Heat recovery systems modelling Perform targeting study with heat integration methods to identify maximum potentials for energy savings Network pinch to asses the bottleneck for further energy recovery
WP5. Putting into practice- cont. Application of optimization method, with full appreciation of intensified heat transfer equipment and rigorous consideration of fouling Operational analysis to understand the impacts of upgraded heat recovery networks Validation of practicability of the improved methods in Coal Chemical industry Demonstration of the benefits of the improved methods in terms of energy and emissions savings
WP6.Technology transfer Task 6.1. Technology transfer to SME consortium members Collaboration with all partners Provisions for streamlined transfer of the developed and acquired technologies, licenses and know-how among the consortium members Task 6.2. Dissemination events “Integrated Technologies and Energy Saving”: a Workshop in Ukraine
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