Chronological Overview Session 3 The mission accomplished (Jesus, the Spirit and the New Creation) Track 1: Understanding the Mission of God
Three final stages: Three key events / comings The Present Kingdom – Coming (1st) of Christ (Incarnation) The Proclaimed Kingdom - Coming of the Spirit (Pentecost) The Perfected Kingdom - Coming (2nd) of Christ (Parousia)
The Kingdom has come! “The Kingdom of heaven is near” (Matt 3:2) “The Kingdom of heaven is near” (Matt 4:17) “If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the Kingdom of God has come to you!” (Luke 11:20). The King has come… so the Kingdom is here!
The Present Kingdom God's people – Jesus, the true Israel Groups: Matt 1:1-17 – Which part of the OT story does each section of the genealogy relate to? – In the Bible '7' is often a number of fulfilment or completion so what is the point of v17?
The Present Kingdom Jesus and the story of Israel: Virgin Birth - 1:22&3 – fulfilling Isa 7 Birth in Bethlehem - 2:4-6 – fulfilling Micah 5 Escape to Egypt - 2:14&15 – fulfilling Hos 11 Slaughter of innocents - 2:16-18 – fulfilling Jeremiah 31 Childhood in Nazareth - 2:23. – fulfilling something! Baptism – fulfilling Psa 2:7, Gen 22:2, Isa 42:1 Temptation in desert – fulfilling Deuteronomy!
The Present Kingdom God's people – Jesus, the true Israel In the place of his presence – Jesus the new temple (John 1:14, 2:21 & 4:24) Receiving his covenant blessing – Jesus the obedient Son (Matt 3:17, Matt 26:42)
Receiving his covenant blessing… The blessing of sins forgiven (the cross / atonement) The blessing of righteousness given (justification) The blessing of victory over our enemies (resurrection) Blessing for all the nations (Gal 3:13-14)
‘D-Day’ – the decisive battle
‘VE Day’ – the final victory
Three final stages: Three key events / comings Present Kingdom – decisive battleComing (1st) of Christ Proclaimed Kingdom – world mission Coming of the Spirit Perfected Kingdom – final victory Coming (2nd) of Christ
The Proclaimed Kingdom – the Spirit has come! John – the Promise of the Spirit Acts 1:4-11 – the lead up to Pentecost
Discussion Look at the following passages to see how our major themes are impacted by the coming of the Spirit. God's people – Acts 11:4-18; Gal 4:4-7 In the place of his presence (temple) – Eph 2:17-22 – 'far away' = gentiles and 'near' = Jews. Receiving his covenant blessing – Rom 7:1-6 (esp 6); Gal 5:16-26
The Proclaimed Kingdom – the Spirit has come! God’s people – alive in the Holy Spirit (Acts 11:4-18; Gal 4:4-7) In the place of God’s presence – the temple of the Holy Spirit (Eph 2:17-22) Blessed with his covenant blessing to be a blessing – blessed, transformed and empowered to be a blessing by the Holy Spirit (Rom 7:1-6, Gal 5:16-26 cf Jer 31 and Ezk 36)
The Perfected Kingdom – the King is coming again! Phil 1:23 - going to heaven when we die Phil 3: the resurrection of our bodies when Jesus comes again 2 Peter 3:11-13 – (see Isa 65:17ff) the New Creation
Interlude: the Millennium (see Rev 20) Pre-millenialism – Second coming before the millennium Post-millenialism – Second coming after the millennium Amillenilaism – The millennium is figurative – the age of the church / the age of the Spirit
The Perfected Kingdom – the King is coming again! Romans 8:18-20
Boeing 767
Parallels Boeing 767 Impressive machine But needs a proper pilot Pilot must be in communication with air traffic control Otherwise a dangerous machine Planet earth Created ‘very good’ But needs a wise ruler Ruler must bear God’s image and depend upon him Otherwise the earth may turn and destroy them
The Perfected Kingdom – the King is coming again! Rev 21:1-5 – the New Creation New heavens and new earth (1) New Jerusalem (2) Explanation: everything made new (3-5) – God at home among his people (3) – God in eternal covenant relationship with them (3) – God comforts them (4a) – No more suffering (4b) The glory of the nations gathered in (22-5)
The Perfected Kingdom – the King is coming again! Rev 22:1-5 – the Garden City River of life Tree of life Healing – the removal of the curse – No estrangement (3b) – Intimate fellowship with God (4a) – God’s image perfectly restored (4b) – No darkness (5)
The Perfected Kingdom – the King is coming again! God's people – new community In the place of his presence – new creation Eternally blessed and blessing creation – new security
God’s great story: the story of the kingdom Finding our place within it…