Welcome to First Grade!
Class Information See First Grade Handbook on website for detailed information Website: (MMW---teachers---Fox) Snack, Lunch: (learn ID numbers) Birthdays: Will be celebrated in class, no treats please Star of the Week: A letter will be sent home the week before your child is Star of the Week. Homework: 10 mins/grade level. Homework helps to establish routine, Children will need your guidance. Don’t sit there and be frustrated. Usually math and something else. Absences: Missed school work will be saved and given to your child when he/she returns to school. Remember to record absences online. Volunteers: See form in packet. Will be from 9:15-10:30, mostly for Journeys but at times, will need help in other areas. Will try to schedule you on the same day of the week. Thank you!! Conferences: Sign up tonight. Write down your date and time. Will send a reminder. If you need other days or times, please let me know. Report Cards: No report card in November (conferences), February, April and June
Classroom Procedures Morning Jobs- Helps develop classroom responsibility and establish a routine. (see pictures) Message Board on Smart Board- Teacher’s Helper, news for the day, special classes, school events, interactive question/activity. Classroom rules- (see poster) Responsive Classroom- Creates a community of learners and teaches kids to care and do their best. Chill Out Chair- A place to take some time out to think, gain control. Will contact you if necessary. Buddy teacher Marble Jar and Sign Up Chart Communication is best Call the office if important and needs quick response (ie. dismissal change, etc.) Blue take home folder (empty daily and return) Weekly progress report **Please return every Monday!! Sharing Will start in October. Calendar will come home. Please only send in one item. Can be whatever the child wants to share.
Language Arts Goals Become competent readers, writers and thinkers. Read independently. Listen and speak competently, critically and creatively. Research effectively (4 th marking period Ocean Animals). Reading Series- Journeys FOCUS WALL *Thematic hardcover books (please send back if sent home) * Emphasis on phonics, blending & segmenting, grammar * Teacher read aloud stories - model fluency and encourage listening comprehension * Guided Reading with decodable readers and leveled readers for small group instruction Sight Words “Words to Know” *Word Lists Folder (red) - words sent home weekly. Keep at home in the folder for review and practice. Put words in sentences or omit words and ask your child to find the missing word. This helps reinforce sight vocabulary. * Spelling- Weekly tests, practice at home. *Focus on word families/word chunks *Reinforce correct spelling in writing. Help your child to stretch words and hear as many sounds as possible.
Selecting appropriate books 5 finger rule Weekend HW books may appear easy. This is so that fluency can be practiced. Your child should not be stumbling over every few words. This will interfere with his/her comprehension. Guided Reading will focus on more challenging books. Scholastic Book Wizard- click here
Writing Workshop Goal: Take risks as writers and begin to write fluently. Journal Writing –free write (will offer suggestions) *Idea dice* Formal Writing Process (brainstorming to final copy) Writing is integrated in each Journeys’ lesson. Domains of Writing 1. Focus 2. Content 3. Organization 4. Style 5. Conventions (grammar, sentence structure, punctuation and spelling) Handwriting Focus on: - appropriate letter formation (top to bottom) - spacing between words - appropriate letter sizes (attic, living room and basement) - correct use of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Social Studies and Science Social Studies: HARCOURT HORIZONS About my World The World Around Us Mapping Seasons and Holidays Other Cultures Main Ideas and Key Questions Science: Balance and Motion Weather Organisms/Planting in spring Inquiry based approach and discovery learning
Mathematics Pearson Success – enVision Math Topics (lessons within topics) Every topic has a “Topic Opener” with a “Home-School Communication Letter” and topic game. Problem of the Day Daily Spiral Review Work Mats- Interactive Learning with manipulatives, Visual Learning (Visual Bridge), Guided and Independent Practice and Problem Solving. Games for each lesson to reinforce skills eTools (interactive manipulatives) Math Homework Books (will send home nightly, should be quick, only few problems! Will accompany other HW). Can access the online book (login info enclosed in your packet) **Please don’t work ahead of the class!** Opportunity for enrichment and/or extra practice (I will send home as needed).
Thank you for coming! Please write your child a note before you leave.