Preventing Family Crisis Finding the Assistance that your Family Needs
Outline of Session How to find services that your child and family needs How to find services that your child and family needs Strength-based and family and child driven approach to services Strength-based and family and child driven approach to services Explanation and examples of various services for children and families Explanation and examples of various services for children and families
Community Service Boards CSBs are the local government agencies responsible for mental health, mental retardation and substance abuse services for citizens in their communities. CSBs are the local government agencies responsible for mental health, mental retardation and substance abuse services for citizens in their communities. CSBs are mandated by the Code of Virginia ( ) to provide “core” public behavioral healthcare services to children and adults meeting specific eligibility criteria. CSBs are mandated by the Code of Virginia ( ) to provide “core” public behavioral healthcare services to children and adults meeting specific eligibility criteria.
CSB Core Services Core services as defined by code consist of emergency services and care management “subject to the availability of funds”. Core services as defined by code consist of emergency services and care management “subject to the availability of funds”. Virginia code also says that other core services may include inpatient, out- patient, day support, residential, prevention, early intervention and other services and supports that are necessary to assist citizens. Virginia code also says that other core services may include inpatient, out- patient, day support, residential, prevention, early intervention and other services and supports that are necessary to assist citizens.
CSB Required Roles In order to ensure that the best interests of children, families and the state are served, CSBs are required by code to fulfill these roles: Providers of core services and supports Providers of core services and supports Mangers of Care and advocates Mangers of Care and advocates Gatekeeper-local point of accountability and responsibility for services and resources Gatekeeper-local point of accountability and responsibility for services and resources
System of Care Approved by the national Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Approved by the national Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Virginia has chosen this philosophy of care for guiding services provided to children and their families. Virginia has chosen this philosophy of care for guiding services provided to children and their families. Core Values include: Core Values include: Child-centered and family-driven Child-centered and family-driven Community-based (wrap-around) care Community-based (wrap-around) care Culturally Competent Culturally Competent
System of Care VALUES and PRINCIPLES: Comprehensive array of services and supports Comprehensive array of services and supports Individualized service plans specifically tailored to children and family’s strengths and needs Individualized service plans specifically tailored to children and family’s strengths and needs Families, youth and any other person that the family invites are full participants in all aspects and the planning and delivery of services Families, youth and any other person that the family invites are full participants in all aspects and the planning and delivery of services Integrated services (providers and family- all on same page) Integrated services (providers and family- all on same page) Care management provided Care management provided Early identification and intervention Early identification and intervention Receipt of services without regard to race, religion, national origin, gender, etc. Receipt of services without regard to race, religion, national origin, gender, etc.
Wraparound Approach Wraparound is a family-centered and strength-based approach that utilizes a highly individualized planning process to help families achieve important outcomes by helping them meet their needs both within and outside of formal human services systems while they remain in their homes and communities.
Wraparound Key Premises Highly individualized service plans (how family wants their lives to be) Highly individualized service plans (how family wants their lives to be) Family-driven plan (child and family choose team, goals, strategies) Family-driven plan (child and family choose team, goals, strategies) Natural supports Natural supports Outcome focused Outcome focused Flexible and flexibly funded Flexible and flexibly funded Culturally competent Culturally competent Normalized (every family needs outside assistance from time to time) Normalized (every family needs outside assistance from time to time) Unconditional care Unconditional care
Types of Services Intensive Care Coordination Intensive Care Coordination Intensive In-Home Intensive In-Home Crisis Intervention Crisis Intervention Crisis Stabilization Crisis Stabilization Case Management (Care Coordination) Case Management (Care Coordination) Waivers Waivers Therapeutic Day Treatment Therapeutic Day Treatment Mental Health Support Services and Mentoring Mental Health Support Services and Mentoring Respite Respite Natural Supports Natural Supports Outpatient individual, family and group therapies Outpatient individual, family and group therapies Psychiatric Psychiatric Note: For a comprehensive listing, refer to the Office of the Inspector General’s report on Child and Family Services at Note: For a comprehensive listing, refer to the Office of the Inspector General’s report on Child and Family Services at
Intensive Care Coordination New service for children who are at- risk of entering, or are placed in, residential care. New service for children who are at- risk of entering, or are placed in, residential care. Children should be identified to receive these services by their local Family Assessment and Planning Team (FAPT). Children should be identified to receive these services by their local Family Assessment and Planning Team (FAPT).
ICC Values We believe that All children deserve safe, nurturing and permanent homes and permanent family connections. All children deserve safe, nurturing and permanent homes and permanent family connections. Child safety is first and foremost. Child safety is first and foremost. Parents have the right and responsibility to raise their own children. Parents have the right and responsibility to raise their own children. The family and youth perspective must be honored at all times and service plan must reflect the family’s values and preferences. The family and youth perspective must be honored at all times and service plan must reflect the family’s values and preferences. Coordinating community services to transition or maintain children in their homes is a public responsibility and that public agencies should serve the community in this role. Coordinating community services to transition or maintain children in their homes is a public responsibility and that public agencies should serve the community in this role.