Important Dates: November 1 st – PTA Meeting, 9 AM - Cafeteria November 2 nd : Daylight Savings Time, please reset your clock one hour behind. November 5 th – No School Please Vote! November 8 th – End of 1 st card Marking, ½ Day, Dismissal - 11:45 November 5 th, 27 th thru 29 th - NO SCHOOL November 13 th - 1 Hour Late Start - ALL Students will be starting school at 9:40 AM and should arrive no later than 9:30AM. Students having breakfast are not to arrive before 9AM. November 14 th, 20 th and 21 st – Parent Teacher Conferences, report cards distributed. Critical ALL parents attend and are timely for their appointment. Grade Level Meetings have been scheduled for the first and second week of December, ALL parents are encouraged to attend and learn about their child’s classroom procedures and parenting strategies they may utilize at home to help their child. Grade Level Meeting Schedule: Kindergarten – December 3 rd, 2013 First Grade – December 4 th, 2013 Second Grade – December 5 th, 2013 Third Grade – December 6 th, 2013 Fourth Grade – December 12 th, 2013 Fifth Grade – December 13 th, 2013 Student Safety: Thank you in advance for not entering the building during entrance and exit procedures. All visitors entering Oakman are required to sign-in at the Office and obtain a Visitor Pass. In order to preserve critical instructional time parents needing to consult with a teacher are asked to call and make an appointment. Talk to your child about following instructions given to them from Crossing Guard, Service Squad and Safety Patrol. Students are not allowed on the playground after school unless accompanied by a parent. Happy Thanksgiving! Oakman Elementary School News Principal: Radewin Awada A school where Children and Learning come first! Important Phone Numbers Attendance# (313) Office # (313) Mr. Awada (313) Fax # (313) Health: In an effort to keep us all healthy, please model and review proper physical hygiene procedures with your child. Talk to your child about washing their hands regularly using soap and water and not sharing personal belongings with other students. When your child is sick (prolonged fever, vomiting, coughing etc.) please keep them home until a physician has been consulted. If students are ill please keep them home until they are completely well. Attendance: The Board of Education requires all students to attend school regularly and in a timely manner in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan. The District's educational program is predicated upon the presence of the student and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation. The regular contact of students with one another in the classroom and their participation in a well-planned instructional activity under the tutelage of a competent teacher are vital to this purpose. Please be sure to drop off and pick up students in a timely manner. Traffic: Please follow ALL traffic rules and regulations when picking up or dropping off your child. This includes: refraining from parking in the school drop off zones during school hours, being courteous and patient, driving cautiously at all times, refrain from making illegal U-turns and most importantly obeying posted speed limits. Safety of all Oakman students is our number one priority and can only be guaranteed by working together. On behalf of the Oakman Elementary staff, I want to extend a big thank you to the PTA and all parents for their overwhelming support and efforts!