By: Ruby & Evelyn
Causes!!! It is inherited from parents.
*Our mutation is: substitution, missense, and a point *The amino acid are; Healthy HealthyMet;leu;met;pro;leu;ser;asp;stop Sick SickMet;leu;met;thr;leu;ser;asp;stop example: As you can see Healthy compared to Sick the pro amino acid is substituted(replaced) by thr amino acid. Healthy Met;leu;met; pro ;leu;ser;asp;stop Sick Met;leu;met; thr ;leu;ser;asp;stop
Population that’s effected…. African-Americans in the U.S 1 out of 375 new born African-Americans But also found in other ethnic backgrounds Like normal living Americans
Where is it effected???.... Effects red blood cells Effects red blood cells. Normal blood cells; rounded shaped With sickle cell disease blood cells; C shaped or curved Like the moon
symptoms Strokes Eye problems Gall stones Bone damage Weakness disorder Seizers Difficulty in speaking
Treatments Blood transfusion Oral anti bionics Bone marrow transplant
Diagnosis Doctors normally take a blood test once a the new born is born. If the first blood test is positive then they take a next test to be more confirmed. Eww :p
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