Bellringer How would a story about your life written by your parents differ from one written by your friends? How would a story about your life written by your parents differ from one written by your friends?
Gospel of Mark
Roman Empire During the Life of Jesus Judea lost most of its independence to Rome in 63BC Judea lost most of its independence to Rome in 63BC Rome took complete control in 6AD Rome took complete control in 6AD Allowed Jewish king (Herod) to keep title as a puppet king Allowed Jewish king (Herod) to keep title as a puppet king Appointed a Roman royal governor Appointed a Roman royal governor Jews hated Roman rule Jews hated Roman rule
General Information Shortest of the gospels Shortest of the gospels First one written First one written Journalistic style “short and to the point” Journalistic style “short and to the point” Written by John Mark Written by John Mark Symbol: Lion Symbol: Lion
Prologue of Mark Starts in the middle of the action [like a Greek epic] Starts in the middle of the action [like a Greek epic] John the Baptist [first person introduced in Mark] John the Baptist [first person introduced in Mark] Jesus introduced at his baptism in the Jordan River Jesus introduced at his baptism in the Jordan River
John the Baptist Prepared the way for Jesus (Elijah) Prepared the way for Jesus (Elijah) Lived in the wilderness (desert) Lived in the wilderness (desert) Wore clothes made from camel hair Wore clothes made from camel hair Ate wild locust and honey Ate wild locust and honey Told people to repent because the Kingdom of God was coming Told people to repent because the Kingdom of God was coming Attracted a large following Attracted a large following
Beheading of John the Baptist John spoke at against the marriage of King Herod and Queen Herodias John spoke at against the marriage of King Herod and Queen Herodias Herodias had divorced Herod’s brother Phillip to marry Herod Herodias had divorced Herod’s brother Phillip to marry Herod Herod put John in prison but was afraid to kill him because of his popularity Herod put John in prison but was afraid to kill him because of his popularity
Beheading of John the Baptist Herod’s niece/stepdaughter Salome danced for Herod on his birthday Herod’s niece/stepdaughter Salome danced for Herod on his birthday Herod was so pleased he told she could have anything she wanted (up to half of his kingdom) Herod was so pleased he told she could have anything she wanted (up to half of his kingdom) Herodias told her to ask for John the Baptist’s head on silver platter Herodias told her to ask for John the Baptist’s head on silver platter
Public Life of Jesus Builds the case for Jesus’ identity Builds the case for Jesus’ identity Teaching with authority Teaching with authority Healing Healing Exorcism Exorcism Nature Miracles Nature Miracles Jesus appoint 12 apostles to help him (did not understand his mission) Jesus appoint 12 apostles to help him (did not understand his mission)
Famous Stories from Mark The pigs and the demons The pigs and the demons Feeding of the 5,000 Feeding of the 5,000 Transfiguration Transfiguration
The Final Week of Jesus [the passion] Entry into Jerusalem Entry into Jerusalem Cleansing of the temple Cleansing of the temple The Last Supper “Passover Feast” The Last Supper “Passover Feast” Garden of Gethsemane Garden of Gethsemane Betrayed by Judas Betrayed by Judas Put on trail before Pilate Put on trail before Pilate Crucifixion Crucifixion
Crucifixion Originated with the Persians Originated with the Persians Used mainly to send a message to others Used mainly to send a message to others Individuals were often scourged before their crucifixion Individuals were often scourged before their crucifixion Individuals attached to cross by ropes or in the case of Jesus nails Individuals attached to cross by ropes or in the case of Jesus nails
Crucifixion Nail
Crucifixion Death from crucifixion was the result of a combination of the following: Death from crucifixion was the result of a combination of the following: 1. Blood loss 2. Shock 3. Dehydration 4. Asphyxia
Crucifixion and Christianity Crucifix is one the main symbols of Christianity Crucifix is one the main symbols of Christianity The crucifixion of Jesus is considered the seminal event in Christianity The crucifixion of Jesus is considered the seminal event in Christianity Some Christians (epically in the Philippines) crucify themselves in a religious ceremony each year on Good Friday to experience the pain of Jesus Some Christians (epically in the Philippines) crucify themselves in a religious ceremony each year on Good Friday to experience the pain of Jesus
The Final Week of Jesus Cross is carried by Simon of Cyrene Cross is carried by Simon of Cyrene Jesus is placed in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea Jesus is placed in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea Empty Tomb and Resurrection Empty Tomb and Resurrection Mark ends with the Great Commission Mark ends with the Great Commission
Cultural Influence of Mark Vinci’s Last Supper Vinci’s Last Supper Jesus Christ Superstar Jesus Christ Superstar “A house divided can not stand” used by Abraham Lincoln to protest slavery “A house divided can not stand” used by Abraham Lincoln to protest slavery