Three reasons for gloom in the garden I. Jesus: Suffering Savior
Background 32, prayer 33, human sympathy 33, deeply troubled, distressed. Deity? Deity alone? Deity alone? Jn.2, 4, 6 Human alone? Human alone? Mt.4:3 (Hb.4:15; 5:7); Jn.4); Mk.6; 14-15
35, intense passion hour: 35, hour: 10:38; Jn.7:6; 8:20; 12:23; 13:1 cup: 36, cup: all suffering He experienced until death on cross. Is.51:17 will 36, will 37, greater intensity
Lk.22:44-45 Agony – separation – bore sins – world Is.53:6; 2 Co.5:21; Ga.3:13 Shows: 1. Horrors of sin. Jesus understood 2. Love of God The curse has been borne; the law is silent; the blessing remains
I. Jesus: Suffering Savior II. Disciples: Sad Sleepers
Lk.22:45 Mk.14:31, great intentions Mk.14:32-33, greatest privilege Mk.14:37-40, sleeping die Peter’s boast: die for Him dozed Peter’s best: dozed instead Ro.8:3. Jn.8:46; Ep.4:20-21 Mk.9:6 off guard Lk.9:32 sleepy Transfiguration: saw His glory Gethsemane: saw His gloom
Only recourse: plead for mercy 1 Jn.1:6-10 Scripture Scripture, 5: God is light… Saying Saying # 1, 6: claim fellowship; darkness Salvation Salvation, 7: blood cleanses Saying Saying # 2, 8: deny sin = no forgiveness Salvation Salvation, 9: say same thing Saying Saying # 3, 10: denial makes God a liar Savior Savior, 2:1-2: sinless, sacrifice
I. Jesus: Suffering Savior III. Judas: Selfish Schemer II. Disciples: Sad Sleepers
Betrayer: “one of the twelve” (42) 43-44, not just what he did, but how 45, talk, not walk Yet, no excuse for his sin Prophesied Ps.41:9 Jn.17:12 Satanic attack Lk.22:3
Judas and Peter (Different not in guilt, but attitude) Peter: Mt.16:22 “Satan” Heart: loved Jesus Often repented Lk.22:62 Judas: Jn.6:70 “Devil” Heart: loved money Jn.13; Mk.14:10f Mt.27:3
We face same choices 1 Jn.1:8-10, 2:1-2 1 Jn. 5:16 We must maintain a tender heart